Green Brigade Need Our Support.

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Green Brigade Need Our Support.

Postby bhoydavid » Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:56 pm

Having read the Green Brigade`s statement`s imperative that all celtic fans get behind them & apply pressure on our club to stand up for our supporters against the heavy handed policing & attempted criminalisation of our supporters.
Today at the match their protest was well received by the rest of the support & i hope that the club issue a statement backing their fans for supporting their team & creating an atmosphere every game at celtic park.
For those who haven`t seen the statement here it is....

Green Brigade Statement

Today we held a silent and visual protest against the criminalisation of the Celtic support, both from the ‘Offensive Behaviour at Football…’ Bill and the disproportionate policing that we and the wider Celtic support currently face.

While the new legislation will likely have a direct effect on our group – particularly as the Association of Chief Police Officers Scotland are demanding that it specifically refers to banners and displays – it extends beyond just us and all Celtic fans will be affected.

The proposed new legislation denies football fans the right to freedom of expression and treats us all completely differently from others in society. This is despite there being very little disorder at football matches – and certainly far less than at music concerts or at bars and clubs around the country.

It comes on the back of a season when our manager was attacked by bigots because he comes from an Irish nationalist background. The response of the politicians has been to draft a law that, according to Justice Committee chair Christine Graham, is designed to target the Celtic support for our Irish identity and for singing songs in support of Irish nationhood. It looks like the bigots have won.

The protest was a massive step for our group to take. We want nothing more than to back our team for 90 mins and give them our support, especially on the back of defeat at Ibrox last week. But we feel this issue goes far beyond one half of football and that if the Celtic support doesn’t begin to influence the debate around policing and the new law then we, like many other Celtic fans won’t be there to support the team – we’ll be banned and possibly jailed.

In many ways, though, this is already happening. We currently have three members awaiting trial for ‘offences’ committed at the first game of last season. Their alleged crime was holding a a banner that, days later, bigoted elements of the Scotland’s Shame support complained about after seeing on the internet. The case has been doggedly pursued by the Procurator Fiscal, who has appointed a Fiscal more used to murder trials to take charge of the prosecution. We’ve also had members and others in section 111 arrested on made-up charges and instantly banned from every game in Scotland while their case drags on through the legal system – the police don’t even need to consult the courts to do this now.

At every match we’re filmed constantly and subjected to petty intimidation, like strange police officers greeting you by your first name. And it’s not just us – at every away match the police are filming fans coming off buses, in pubs and at stadiums and fans are given full-body searches at grounds. At the recent home game with Motherwell a fan was arrested and dragged out of the main stand by several police officers for singing ‘go home ya huns’. Fans arriving home from Sion in the early hours of the morning were greeted by a welcoming party from Strathclyde Police, there to say hello and take their pictures.

The time has now come for our club to stand up for our fans and use their considerable influence and voice to defend us from disproportionate policing and discriminatory new laws. It is also time for the support to come together and oppose policing and laws that seeks to silence us and treat us as part of a problem that, if it exists, is not of our making.

We won’t roll over to a political agenda that seeks to criminalise us and we call on all fans and fan organisations to join us and protest against the criminalisation of the Celtic support.

irish eyes
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Re: Green Brigade Need Our Support.

Postby irish eyes » Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:21 am

Yes I support the aims of the gb in highlighting these crazy proposals. Fans should not be treated as criminals.

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Re: Green Brigade Need Our Support.

Postby celticdan » Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:25 pm

100% correct lets get behind the green brigade

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Re: Green Brigade Need Our Support.

Postby tyrebhoy » Tue May 01, 2012 8:21 am

Why are we allowing the police to not charge Motherwell with racial abuse of our players, they made monkey signs and noise;s at Blackman, Wanyama, the rankers are quick at getting them to investigate young fan against Bartley, lets complain they ignored our protests at that game there stewards turned there backs and walked away from it,

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Re: Green Brigade Need Our Support.

Postby celticdan » Tue May 01, 2012 8:17 pm

what about the singing when wrecking the toilets at parkhead on sunday in front of glasgows finest

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