Brilliant display last night.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Brilliant display last night.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu Sep 29, 2016 11:02 am

What a display last night, it was just like the old nights of European football at Celtic Park. The atmosphere was fantastic, I’m sure that played a big part in the players mind-set, most of them would not have sampled anything like that before, come to think of it, most of the City players would not have sampled that type of atmosphere before.

There was not a failure in the team, every player, including the substitutes played brilliantly. On a night when the weather certainly didn’t make it easy to play silky football, the team performed to a very high standard.

The supporters were brilliant as well, it would have been easy to sit in the house or the pub and watch the game instead of getting soaked, but our supporters turned up in great numbers and sang their hearts out.

Last night also justified the decision by Brendan Rodgers to come to Glasgow. He could have earned a lot more money going to another team in another city or even country, but there is only one Glasgow Celtic, and there is only one Celtic Park.

Probably the happiest guy leaving Celtic Park last night was Paul Hartley, he saw the team he supports play very well, and he will be hoping that the effort used will leave us running on empty on Saturday at Dundee.

I think we now have not just a very good team, we have a very good squad. Brendan will be able to freshen the team up on Saturday. He can bring in Jozo, he can bring in Paddy Roberts, and he can bring in Griff, although Big Moussa is on fire and won’t want to go out the team, which can be said of all the Bhoys.

Our Captain Fantastic was absolutely immense, we are now seeing the real Broony, on last night’s display Broony is a match for the very top midfield players in Europe. We know he is not like Iniesta or Xavi, or even a Lubo or Paul McStay, but he is a warrior who fights for every ball, he makes players around him play better, and he stops opposition players hurting us.

I see the dafties over on the other side of the city were putting on tours and pies for the City supporters, maybe they should be making a financial contribution to rebuilding Manchester but then again, how can they? They’re skint.

It is absolutely brilliant being a Celtic Supporter, it is not just about football, it’s a way of life and how you behave in that life. It’s about how you treat the less fortunate in society on a daily basis. The Celtic Support will have few if any equals in that regard, and for that we should be just as proud as we were in winning any of the many trophies in our long proud unbroken history.

The Future is Bright, the Future is Green & White.

FAC are holding a meeting on Monday October 3rd at 7.30pm in St Anne’s, Crownpoint Road, Glasgow. Come along and help scrap the unwanted and unnecessary OBA. Everyone will be made very welcome.

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