Let the Tic Train ease the Pain ..

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Let the Tic Train ease the Pain ..

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu May 01, 2014 2:27 pm

I have had a few supporters asking about getting transport back to the Velodrome after the match, well the club have come up with this idea, which sounds really good.

[B:6b6b3c93]Details of the Land Train Operation for both 3rd and 11th May matches as follows:[/B:6b6b3c93]

The Land Train will operate from 12.00 until 18.45 on the 3rd of May. The Land Train cannot and will not operate whilst London Road is closed after the Match has ended until it re-opens.

The Land Train will operate from 09.30 until 15.00 on the 11th of May. The Land Train cannot and will not operate whilst London Road is closed after the Match has ended until it re-opens.

As the Police have requested The Land Train will travel at a reasonable walking pace and as appropriate up to it's maximum speed of 10mph and it will remain on London Road (or a lay by provided by Celtic Football Club on the forecourt of the Stadium) and will not travel north towards the stadium on the land which would previously have been Kerrydale St.

The Land Train would collect/drop off from the Velodrome Car Park situated to the rear of the building off Clyde Gateway. There would be an excellent view of the Emirates Velodrome from here.
The Train would then exit the Car Park turning right onto Clyde Gateway showing the newly developed open aspect frontage of Celtic Park.
At the junction of Clyde Gateway and London Road the Train would then turn right onto London Road.
At the Stadium the Train would pull onto the Stadium forecourt to collect/drop off and give passengers an uninterrupted view of the newly competed re-development of the Stadium Forecourt.
Leaving the Stadium Forecourt the Train would then continue along London Road before turning right into the entrance and forecourt of The Chris Hoy Velodrome giving passengers a front view of this magnificent newly completed building.
Using the turning circle, the Train would then return onto London Road turning left to do so.
At the junction with Clyde Gateway the Train would turn left onto Clyde Gateway.
The Train would then turn left returning to the Velodrome Car Park to collect/drop off.

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