Another Record ... A proper one not made up.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Another Record ... A proper one not made up.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon May 09, 2016 12:11 pm

Much to the displeasure of the usual suspects; Leckie, Waddell, and Jackson et al, Glasgow Celtic clinched their fifth title in a row. In doing so Celtic created a new record; a proper record; not a made up one.

Celtic have become the first team to win Five in a Row; three times. As I said previously; it’s a proper record; it factually legitimate; it’s not some team claiming to have won fifty four titles while having only been in existence for four years; and having never ever played in the top tier of Scottish Football; which makes it impossible.

No, this is now in the Record Books for all to see. It also means we are now half way to achieving Ten in a Row. Celtic have now won the title on forty seven occasions. Each and every one of those titles were won in an honest manner on our part; and sometimes against all the odds and honest mistakes.

So congratulation Ronny Deila and all your players and staff; it’s Two in a Row for Ronnie; having won the title in every season at Celtic Park.

It was a wonderful day at Celtic Park in the sunshine. It was also wonderful to be able to applaud the representatives of the Hillsborough Justice Group. We have to admire their indefatigability in the pursuit of justice for their loved ones. It is not full justice yet; but it will be when those responsible for the tragedy; and those who continued to lie during it all are brought to justice and suitably punished.

There is a bond between the Celtic and Liverpool Supporters; it has been there for many years; but it was certainly strengthened through the Hillsborough tragedy; and I’m sure it will always be there. May God Bless each and every one of those who were affected by the tragedy.

Hopefully we can finish the season by winning our last two league matches at Perth and Celtic Park. It has been a long and sometimes frustrating season; but it was a title winning season and that’s what matters more than anything else.

I sincerely hope we can come back fitter and stronger next season; we must get ourselves back into the Champions’ league Group stages; that’s where a team of Celtics stature and history belongs; and that is where our magnificent supporters belong.

To have a chance of doing that we need to get the best possible Manager in as quickly as reasonably possible. It has to be the right man; and he has to be given the right backing to adjust the playing squad to suit his requirements.

I’m 100% sure that’s what will happen. We can then all have a wee break away from it all and get ready to go again next season. We are now; always have been; and always will be; Glasgow Celtic; The Greatest Football Team in the World. You’ll Never Walk Alone.


Re: Another Record ... A proper one not made up.

Postby Guest » Mon May 09, 2016 2:43 pm

Well said Joseph O'Rourke


Re: Another Record ... A proper one not made up.

Postby Guest » Mon May 09, 2016 3:25 pm

"Good article. It's now time for all the moaners to get behind our team and look forward to next season with excitement. HH"
Much to the displeasure of the usual suspects; Leckie, Waddell, and Jackson et al, Glasgow Celtic clinched their fifth title in a row. In doing so Celtic created a new record; a proper record; not a made up one.

Celtic have become the first team to win Five in a Row; three times. As I said previously; it’s a proper record; it factually legitimate; it’s not some team claiming to have won fifty four titles while having only been in existence for four years; and having never ever played in the top tier of Scottish Football; which makes it impossible.

No, this is now in the Record Books for all to see. It also means we are now half way to achieving Ten in a Row. Celtic have now won the title on forty seven occasions. Each and every one of those titles were won in an honest manner on our part; and sometimes against all the odds and honest mistakes.

So congratulation Ronny Deila and all your players and staff; it’s Two in a Row for Ronnie; having won the title in every season at Celtic Park.

It was a wonderful day at Celtic Park in the sunshine. It was also wonderful to be able to applaud the representatives of the Hillsborough Justice Group. We have to admire their indefatigability in the pursuit of justice for their loved ones. It is not full justice yet; but it will be when those responsible for the tragedy; and those who continued to lie during it all are brought to justice and suitably punished.

There is a bond between the Celtic and Liverpool Supporters; it has been there for many years; but it was certainly strengthened through the Hillsborough tragedy; and I’m sure it will always be there. May God Bless each and every one of those who were affected by the tragedy.

Hopefully we can finish the season by winning our last two league matches at Perth and Celtic Park. It has been a long and sometimes frustrating season; but it was a title winning season and that’s what matters more than anything else.

I sincerely hope we can come back fitter and stronger next season; we must get ourselves back into the Champions’ league Group stages; that’s where a team of Celtics stature and history belongs; and that is where our magnificent supporters belong.

To have a chance of doing that we need to get the best possible Manager in as quickly as reasonably possible. It has to be the right man; and he has to be given the right backing to adjust the playing squad to suit his requirements.

I’m 100% sure that’s what will happen. We can then all have a wee break away from it all and get ready to go again next season. We are now; always have been; and always will be; Glasgow Celtic; The Greatest Football Team in the World. You’ll Never Walk Alone.

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