Choose where you shop for Celtic merchandise.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Choose where you shop for Celtic merchandise.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:12 pm

[COLOR=#000000:cddcc3d8]In these times of global recession and austerity it’s hard to talk about people’s disposable income in terms of supporting our great football club, but I think it’s something we should consider.
[COLOR=#000000:cddcc3d8]First of all I’m not trying to encourage everyone to run out and buy all three new strips which have come out this year, all I’m saying is this, if you do intend to buy Celtic’s merchandise, then do it through our official outlets, that way the profit goes back into the club.
[COLOR=#000000:cddcc3d8]JJB Sports have now went out of business, as a socialist I don’t like to see anyone losing their jobs, and that’s what normally happens when companies cease to trade.Some of the stores previously owned by JJB are now being operated by Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley’s Sports Direct.
[COLOR=#000000:cddcc3d8]Sports Direct also now have a deal with Sevco FC to handle their merchandise. With the closing of JJB, Sports Direct will now be the main competition for many of the Celtic shops, but that is not the major issue, the major issue is money spent in outlets out with the control of Celtic does not come back to the club.
[COLOR=#000000:cddcc3d8]Celtic operate shops in many towns and cities around Scotland and Ireland, some of those shops will be treading water in terms of turnover, and that could mean the closure of some of them, obviously that would lead to job losses.
[COLOR=#000000:cddcc3d8]I would encourage people who can afford to buy merchandise to buy it through the official Celtic outlets, that way we protect the jobs and maintain another revenue stream into the club.
[COLOR=#000000:cddcc3d8]I am sure that Adrian Filby and his team in the commercial department will strive to make the costs of buying our merchandise as competitive as possible.[/COLOR:cddcc3d8]


Re: Choose where you shop for Celtic merchandise.

Postby Guest » Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:53 pm

Whilst i agree with your post, the last part is hard to believe.

I have always found the Celtic shops to be the most expensive place to buy strips, unless they are out of season.

If i bought exclusively from the 'tic shop i roughly reckon i would end up paying 30% more for the privilege.

Perhaps THIS is something Adrian needs to address...

Hail Hail


Re: Choose where you shop for Celtic merchandise.

Postby Guest » Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:12 pm

Visited the Celtic Superstore last week to buy the black away top, to find that both new tops are typically £10 more expensive than most high street sports shops, WHY?


Re: Choose where you shop for Celtic merchandise.

Postby Guest » Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:13 pm

Hi Joe,

First time poster but I must admit that I never purchased anything from JJB after they started dealing with the zombie fc. I'm sorry those people have lost their jobs and hope they gain new employment quickly. Also, as an afterthought, do you not find it ironic that the advert under your post is for JD Sports? Lol



Re: Choose where you shop for Celtic merchandise.

Postby Guest » Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:03 pm

If charging £50 for an adults top is competative which is the case in the Celtic shops when u can buy it for £40 online there is obviously something wrong in the pricing structure within Celtic shops especially when I have two boys to buy strips for aswell.HH


Re: Choose where you shop for Celtic merchandise.

Postby Guest » Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:42 pm

Fair enough point being made,but the pricing in official stores is farcical.
The new home top was available for ten pounds less in most stores that in the Celtic stores. I haven't went into a JJB store in years so now it is Sports Direct that will lose my business.

Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Re: Choose where you shop for Celtic merchandise.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:28 pm

I accept that prices in the Celtic outlets tend to be dearer than stores like JJB and Sports Direct, but the case is different, Celtic outlets only sell Celtic related merchandise, so therefore their only clientele is Celtic fans. While the other stores sell all types of sports equipment, they cater for golf, tennis, boxing, and just ordinary everyday wear. If Tesco made 2% profit on every item they sold they would be dong well, but if they only sold bread and milk they would be out of business. SD will sell merchandise at cost price to get you into their shop, they will then expect you to buy some of the stuff they get for next to nothing, that’s where the profit is.

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