stay away fans

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Re: stay away fans

Postby Paul » Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:54 pm

the real fan supports the team through thick and thin the good times and more importantly the bad times thats when the support is needed as i said before anybody can support a winning team clear enough for you paul. by the way am glad your not going your proberly one of the idiots on the phone ins saying your going back and all the rest of it giving the hun media what they want unrest among the fans your playing into there hands.

You assume an awful lot OffShoreBhoy, but you are so far off the mark with everything you have assumed so far. Carry on assuming, oh great Celtic fan, I bow to your faithfulness and feel so ashamed of myself.

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Re: stay away fans

Postby offshorebhoy » Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:17 pm

am happy with what i said and stand by it. as the song goes faithful through and through iam are you ? i think not.

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Re: stay away fans

Postby Paul » Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:28 pm

am happy with what i said and stand by it. as the song goes faithful through and through iam are you ? i think not.
You dont even know me, you know absolutely zero of what I do each and every day of the year all in the name of Celtic, and all at a monetary and personal cost to myself for the sake of Celtic FC, yet you profess to be a better supporter because you happen to be lucky enough to be at the games?

You should be happy you can be at the games and can afford to be there for every kickoff, some people cant and wont want to be there for their own personal reasons, this doesn't make you any better than the next guy.

Who's to say I don't spend much more supporting Celtic my way than you do buying a season ticket each year? Or does that not enter your head as the only "real fans" are in the stadium? What a joke!

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Re: stay away fans

Postby offshorebhoy » Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:09 am

its not about money its about supporting the TEAM. the money supports the club the fans that are in the stadium support the team and if celtic where 11 points in front there would be a full house every game including you witch in my eyes makes you and the rest that chose not to go because were having a bad season gloryhunters. my opinion paul thats all if you think am wrong so be it. KTF hail hail.

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Re: stay away fans

Postby Paul » Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:35 pm

its not about money its about supporting the TEAM. the money supports the club the fans that are in the stadium support the team and if celtic where 11 points in front there would be a full house every game including you witch in my eyes makes you and the rest that chose not to go because were having a bad season gloryhunters. my opinion paul thats all if you think am wrong so be it. KTF hail hail.
And your opinion is still nonsense, the only way to get change if you are unhappy with anything is to withdraw whatever feeds that particular thing, in this situation I am unhappy with how my money is being spent and what value for money we are given, so I choose to not spend any more there. Surely we all have that choice and right to do so without being told we are not as good a fan as you or anyone else?

If you look at season ticket sales, I am not alone in my views, you are in fact in the minority here, who's head is in the sand? Who actually makes it possible for the people who are running the club to continue selling us mediocrity? You my friend. And of course that is your right if you see fit to do so, without any resentment from anyone. I command the same respect if you dont mind.

Hail Hail

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Re: stay away fans

Postby offshorebhoy » Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:58 pm

ok then we agree you and your lot stay away and spend your well earned cash elsewhere and me and my lot will continue to spend our well earned cash supporting our club through our dark days. KTF paul and a dare say i will see you again at celtic park next season when we are again leading the title and stopping the darkside from getting 3 in a row. hail hail.

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Re: stay away fans

Postby AlbertBymn » Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:15 pm

ok then we agree you and your lot stay away and spend your well earned cash elsewhere and me and my lot will continue to spend our well earned cash supporting our club through our dark days. KTF paul and a dare say i will see you again at celtic park next season when we are again leading the title and stopping the darkside from getting 3 in a row. hail hail.
How ironic that you are dividing people simply because they have differing opinions and values than you, very Celtic of you sir. Brother Walfrid would be proud.

My input to Celtic FC is just as important as yours, even if you cant see that.

Hail Hail.

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Re: stay away fans

Postby offshorebhoy » Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:15 pm

admin the support is divided and at a time when we should be sticking together and getting behind the team not deserting it. thats my whole point to this so if its not very celtic or brother walfrid would'nt approve then so be it. KTF hail hail.

irish eyes
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Re: stay away fans

Postby irish eyes » Thu Apr 22, 2010 2:34 pm

Yes I guess folk have, and are entitled to, their opinions. I personally will continue to buy my season ticket and put my money into CELTIC other ways as well. I won't deny the club my money because its going to take money to get us back to where we should be. I guess it's all a question of choice and that's what I have chosen to do. I did it years and years ago when we were almost out of business so I won't turn away now.

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Re: stay away fans

Postby max » Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:47 am

I'm sorry, but anyone who "boycotts" the club entirely, as has been stated, can't by any conceivable way I can see, say they are supporting the club.
Infact quite the opposite!
And that's what was said, not work commitements, not financial difficulties, not the weather and not volcanic ash, a decleration to "boycott" the club because of a feeling of unhappiness as to how that individual feels he is being treated.

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