"The Celtic Fans Treated Like Hooligans Again"

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Joe O'Rourke
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"The Celtic Fans Treated Like Hooligans Again"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:04 pm

When I arrived at New St Mirren Park last Wednesday night I was surprised to see a large queue stretching all along the length of the North Stand which the majority of the Celtic fans were occupying; being of a nosy nature I asked a young steward what the hold-up was, he replied that all the fans were being searched before being allowed to enter the stadium.

I thought here we go again, another example of the Celtic fans being singled out for special treatment; why is it everywhere we go we are treated as if we are armed to the teeth and about to cause mayhem? The operation in force was like "Check Point Charlie" it was being carried out by both St Mirren’s stewards and the Police; and no one was exempt no matter what age or gender; I watched two ladies who appeared to be in their seventies suffer the indignity of being searched by a steward.

My first reaction was to go to the front of the queue and approach four of Strathclydes finest who were like busy little bees going about their work with relish; I asked the four if any of them were in charge; it came as no surprise to be totally ignored. I phoned Celtic’s Head of Operations Ronnie Hawthorn and informed him of what was happening. I then approached a steward who was about to give me an explanation when the head steward arrived on the scene; I asked him who decided to have a total search and did they have the same procedure in place for all visiting fans? He told me it was St Mirren’s decision and it was none of my business; I explained who I was and who I represent, he wasn’t interested in the slightest; after a heated argument during which he threatened to deny me entry to the maatch, he made off and I received a return call from Ronnie Hawthorn to tell me he had advised the match commander of my complaint.

We all know what happened on the Thursday, so on Friday morning I e mailed Ronnie with an official complaint which I asked him to pass on to St Mirren; I offered to meet with him to discuss the matter if he thought it would help, he duly passed on my complaint and below is the reply I received

[SIZE=2:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]Hi Ronnie[/SIZE:36022471][/SIZE:36022471]

[SIZE=2:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]I was made aware of a similar complaint on the night of the match (Jamie Church advised me).[/SIZE:36022471][/SIZE:36022471]

[SIZE=2:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]As you are aware the visit of Celtic to St Mirren was graded as a high-risk fixture mainly due to the number of spectators attending. With this in mind matchday staff were encouraged to be extra vigilant and rigorous in their search regime to ensure that no "contraband" of any type entered the stadium. The fact that the match passed with little by way of incident or injury nor any significant damage to our stadium to my mind vindicated this particular decision.[/SIZE:36022471][/SIZE:36022471]

[SIZE=2:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]It may also be of interest to you that in the lane at the rear of our North stand, which as you know is occupied exclusively by the away support, just after the match started several bottles were found obviously having been discarded by away supporters who saw the search operation in force at the turnstiles. At the end of the night our bottle count for the stadium was low pointing to the success of our operation.[/SIZE:36022471][/SIZE:36022471]

[SIZE=2:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]As you are also aware intelligence has pointed to the fact that older/senior members of a support as well as children are often used to carry in "contraband" in the belief that a "discretionary"search regime will specifically exclude such individuals.[/SIZE:36022471][/SIZE:36022471]

[SIZE=2:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]The decision on the search regime for spectators entering a match at New St Mirren Park is reviewed on a match to match basis depending on the nature of the fixture and the intelligence received. To avoid complacency nor anyone compromising our safety operation this decision is never "made public." As you will be aware circumstances dictate that a more rigorous search regime tends to be applied to the "higher" graded fixtures.[/SIZE:36022471][/SIZE:36022471]

[SIZE=2:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]While I regret that anyone suffers a delay or any embarassment in attending any match at New St Mirren ParkI cannot in all conscience promise that this situation may not arise again should the circumstances dictate that a similar search regime is necessary at a future St Mirren Celtic match.[/SIZE:36022471][/SIZE:36022471]

[SIZE=2:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]I trust this answers your E Mail should you wish to clarify any points arising please come right back to me.[/SIZE:36022471][/SIZE:36022471]

[SIZE=2:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]Finlay Macaulay[/SIZE:36022471][/SIZE:36022471]
[SIZE=2:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]Club Safety Officer[/SIZE:36022471][/SIZE:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]
[SIZE=2:36022471]St Mirren FC

[SIZE=2:36022471]I don’t think I have ever read a bigger load of nonsense in my life, his opening paragraph states that it is high risk because of the number of fans attending; so that means that if only 200 were attending there would not be a problem with taking in contraband or causing any damage.[/SIZE:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]

He also tells us that intelligence suggests that our older and younger fans are only attending to carry in contraband for the rest of us.[/SIZE:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]

I could go on all day about this so I’ll spare you the rant for now. I believe that once again we have been mistreated by the people in authority, this time by St Mirren’s safety officer and Strathclyde Police. We as Celtic fans must make it clear that we will not accept being treated like second class citizens in certain towns and cities across Scotland; without our financial input to their bank accounts teams like St Mirren would be in the Scottish Junior League and they would do well to remember that. The Fight for Justice Continues.[/SIZE:36022471][SIZE=2:36022471]

[SIZE=2:36022471]Keep the Faith, Hail Hail[/SIZE:36022471]

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Re: "The Celtic Fans Treated Like Hooligans Again"

Postby max » Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:14 pm

This mob have previous Joe.
Remember their DJ trying to stir it up a few years ago!
I'm sure news of any "contraband" or weapons found would have reached the ears of the laptop loyalists before the offenders heard the key turn in the lock-up!

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Re: "The Celtic Fans Treated Like Hooligans Again"

Postby braebhoy » Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:50 pm

Sounds like a good place to bhoycott if they are in spl next season
They have previous for this
In my opinion live t.v is killing scottish game as we dont have the population to sustain it
But these anti-celt brigade intead of welcoming any set of fans with open arms Are antagonising and alienating us from the game
Lets deny them the pleasure


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Re: "The Celtic Fans Treated Like Hooligans Again"

Postby offshorebhoy » Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:48 pm

its time to make a stand against scottish football clubs and hit them where it hurts. i phone a mate who supports the the manky mob and he says hes never been searched at a st mirren game so i guess its just the top you wear. hail hail.

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Re: "The Celtic Fans Treated Like Hooligans Again"

Postby JGG » Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:19 am

One match bhoycott maybe ? theres a need to show these clubs that we should not be treated like animals,the only thing they will understand is if it hits them in the pocket.
also aswell,its not often I agree with the huns fans but think them sueing Dundee Utd is correct they only see Celtic-Rangers fans as cash cows

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Re: "The Celtic Fans Treated Like Hooligans Again"

Postby gerrym » Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:22 am

i agree don't give them a thin dime

irish eyes
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Re: "The Celtic Fans Treated Like Hooligans Again"

Postby irish eyes » Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:03 pm

Yes - disgusting how our fans are treated at times. Time to make a stand. Don't support them financially.

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Re: "The Celtic Fans Treated Like Hooligans Again"

Postby kevza » Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:39 pm

This is like a step back to the dark ages.

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Re: "The Celtic Fans Treated Like Hooligans Again"

Postby offshorebhoy » Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:18 pm

a think you've been in london to long and not getting to enough games. celtic have a great away support and back the team 100%. so what cretins are you going on about ?

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Re: "The Celtic Fans Treated Like Hooligans Again"

Postby max » Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:52 pm

Tell us what supporters you're talking about londonbhoy and what it is you think they do that makes them "cretins".
Your reference is very ambiguous.

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