"Nil Desperandum Illegitimi Carborundum, Never Let The Bastards Get You Down"

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Joe O'Rourke
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"Nil Desperandum Illegitimi Carborundum, Never Let The Bastards Get You Down"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:06 pm

[SIZE=3:4de2d501]I sincerely hope that the Celtic support give Dougie Mc Donald the reception he so richly deserves on Saturday; a warm welcome should also be extended to assistant referee John Gilmour who infamously waved his flag to deny Motherwell a goal that would have put them two-nil up against the Evil Empire recently.[/SIZE:4de2d501]

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Re: "Nil Desperandum Illegitimi Carborundum, Never Let The Bastards Get You Down"

Postby scotsmarc » Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:12 pm

[COLOR=black:101ea317][COLOR=black:101ea317]Maybe a call to the Green Brigade and a few others would get the necessary call to arms [/COLOR:101ea317]
[COLOR=black:101ea317] [/COLOR:101ea317]
[COLOR=black:101ea317]With the want and the need to stand firm this can be arranged and leave no one in doubt that we will not be s*at on from the people in ivory towers and white horses [/COLOR:101ea317]

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Re: "Nil Desperandum Illegitimi Carborundum, Never Let The Bastards Get You Down"

Postby braebhoy » Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:32 pm

I am sure the fans who turn up on saturday will let the so called (officials)
know what our feelings are
To me they are loathsome individuals who make up this anti-celtic group in scotland
I am also sure they will not give a toss about what we think of them
But we should still let ourselves be heard , and when we have a plan to take them on and hurt them financially they maybe think twice about their cheating and downright disrespect for our club

Keep up the good work


irish eyes
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Re: "Nil Desperandum Illegitimi Carborundum, Never Let The Bastards Get You Down"

Postby irish eyes » Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:42 pm

Joe I agree with you - this has been going on for more years than we care to remember and hasn't improved one little bit. I am totally disgusted at what goes on - we get painted as being paranoid when all we do is state facts. Paranoia is when something is imagined and unfortunately what is happening just now is not imagined but is real. The "powers that be" for want of a better phrase should be wholly ashamed of themselves. I really hope the fans unite and stand as one on this matter because it's a disgrace what is going on here.

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Re: "Nil Desperandum Illegitimi Carborundum, Never Let The Bastards Get You Down"

Postby MWD » Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:47 pm

Well said Joe.

Good call to arms for all the Bhoys and Ghirls.

I agree the Glasgow Derby is the best opportunity we have this season to stand and unite as one to show the establishment we ain't going to take it anymore.

Hopefully something can be organised.

irish eyes
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Re: "Nil Desperandum Illegitimi Carborundum, Never Let The Bastards Get You Down"

Postby irish eyes » Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:24 pm

londonbhoy i too am a longstanding supporter for more years than you. I would accept the paranoia comment if the things that have been mentioned are delusions, untrue or imagined - however when we are talking facts about what is going on then paranoia does not come into it. So please don't as a CELTIC fan jump on that particular bandwagon.

CELTIC should be playing on a level playing field and rules that apply to us should apply to all teams in the spl but they do not, even the silly rule about not taking off your top to celebrate a goal rule is not applied to everyone fairly, these facts speak for themselves. We are not asking for any special treatment - just fair treatment for all. Not a lot to ask imho.

Joe O'Rourke
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Re: "Nil Desperandum Illegitimi Carborundum, Never Let The Bastards Get You Down"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:23 pm

I have to agree irish eyes, paranoia is to imagine someone is treating you unfairly, we are not imagining it, it's true, we are being treated unfairly. While i would aslo agree the Manager hasn't had a great start, i for one would not be shouting for his head. If we look at the three matches against Rangers alone, there would be a significant change in points differential between us, the league would certainly not look so bad as it does. Your right in your other point, we dont want referees to favour us, we just want them to be fair at all times.

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Re: "Nil Desperandum Illegitimi Carborundum, Never Let The Bastards Get You Down"

Postby Auldheid » Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:54 am

I have to agree irish eyes, paranoia is to imagine someone is treating you unfairly, we are not imagining it, it's true, we are being treated unfairly. While i would aslo agree the Manager hasn't had a great start, i for one would not be shouting for his head. If we look at the three matches against Rangers alone, there would be a significant change in points differential between us, the league would certainly not look so bad as it does. Your right in your other point, we dont want referees to favour us, we just want them to be fair at all times.

There are two issues, one of which after last nights performance is likely to resolve itself with no need for the support to do anything.

The manager either persuaded us through performances and results he was the man for the job or he did not. That is the natural order of things and every Saturday is an opportunity to "demonstrate" our judgement. There is no need to push that particular river, it flows all by itself.

However on the matter of the SFA, Celtic are swimming against the current and a stand needs to be made. The SFA need to be told in no uncertain terms that the Celtic support have had enough.

This is a long haul issue that will benefit Celtic and its manager whoever he is in years to come. Red Cards at the Rangers game is a perfect way to make our point. It backs up the proposal agreed at the Open Meeting at St Mary's that asks Celtic to convey our loss of confidence in the SFA with what corrective action we wish to see.

On paranoia- if you have played or watched bowls you will all know that the bowl does not run in a straight line, it curves. It curves because of a bias in the design of the bowl. We know what causes the bias in bowls and although we all have a pretty good idea of what causes the bias in Scottish football we should not fall into the trap of saying that is a fact because facts are only such when they can be proven.

What needs to be done is to concentrate on what can be proven, that is that the bowl curves. There is all the evidence in the world to support that decisions in Scottish football both off and on the field curve, and that curve favours one team.

What we want is to make it difficult for that curve to exist by having the power and machinery to challenge why it does and the right to credible explanations.

When you have that the curve will straighten itself out, because there will be nothing for the built in bias, that is an intrinsic part of the SFA design, to hide behind.

Transparency and accountabilty = level playing field. No more swimming against the current. If TM does go, we owe it to him (for he HAS suffered from the curve)and his successors to enjoy the same conditions as his rivals.

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Re: "Nil Desperandum Illegitimi Carborundum, Never Let The Bastards Get You Down"

Postby max » Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:25 pm

No we're not the only club it happens to, but there's one it very seldom happens to and it's the same one who generally benefits from the other clubs "share of bad decisions" !
There's no argument here that Mowbray must go, but the damage to ENSURE the huns won the league was done early doors.
If you can't see any ragers bias in the SFA and their officials then you're watching a different league from me!
This 'paranoia' crap is laptop loyalist fodder.
Did you think WGS was insulting the Celtic support when he treated the laptop loyalists with the contempt they deserve, because the peeple he was actually treating with contempt told you so?
I'm sorry, but I can't understand this SFA-hun apologist nonsense.
I know we've been crap, but the huns had the SPL all tied up before anyone knew that, before a ball was kicked!

Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
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Re: "Nil Desperandum Illegitimi Carborundum, Never Let The Bastards Get You Down"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:56 pm

It might well happen to every club, but i'm only concerned by my club and that's Glasgow Cletic

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