Celtic Fans should boycott Motherwell

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
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Celtic Fans should boycott Motherwell

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:26 pm

Let me explain, i am not asking Celtic fans to boycott the match, i am asking them to boycott everything else associated with John Boyle and Motherwell FC, i will be at Motherwell on Sunday along with the usual suspects, i will be paying £25 for the same seats that were sold to the forces of darkness for £15, why the difference????
The chairman of Motherwell tells us the ticket price against our rivals was an experiment, one which didn't work he adds, why does it always involve us in these experiments that go wrong, he has proved over the years that he has no love for Glasgow Celtic, he has done the dirty on us on more than one occasion.
On the last day of the season in 2005 he refused to sell tickets to Celtic fans for the stand he named after a Rangers player, hoping to deny Celtic fans the chance to celebrate winning the League(we all know what happened there)no matter what the cost was to him and his team. The home fans celebrated our defeat just as much as the Kilmarnock fans had done two seasons previously, i remember being abused by what looked like a well to do lady after the game(did i say lady), they loved every minute of it.
on another occasion we were part of another experiment, albeit it was against Gretna, the huns were charged £10, we were charged conciderably more, it was at Fir Park, and it was on John Boyle's watch, he would seem to be the common denominator .
So to all Celtic fans going to that dump on Sunday, when you are thinking of getting a pie & bovril, or a programme, or a half time draw ticket, just remember who's pocket the money will be going into, go along, support our team, and help to secure another three points on the way to four in a row, but keep your hands in your pocket, one things for sure, when we clinch the title again, it wont be at that dump.

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Re: Celtic Fans should boycott Motherwell

Postby nelmo » Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:40 pm

Let me explain, i am not asking Celtic fans to boycott the match, i am asking them to boycott everything else associated with John Boyle and Motherwell FC, i will be at Motherwell on Sunday along with the usual suspects, i will be paying £25 for the same seats that were sold to the forces of darkness for £15, why the difference????
The chairman of Motherwell tells us the ticket price against our rivals was an experiment, one which didn't work he adds, why does it always involve us in these experiments that go wrong, he has proved over the years that he has no love for Glasgow Celtic, he has done the dirty on us on more than one occasion.
On the last day of the season in 2005 he refused to sell tickets to Celtic fans for the stand he named after a Rangers player, hoping to deny Celtic fans the chance to celebrate winning the League(we all know what happened there)no matter what the cost was to him and his team. The home fans celebrated our defeat just as much as the Kilmarnock fans had done two seasons previously, i remember being abused by what looked like a well to do lady after the game(did i say lady), they loved every minute of it.
on another occasion we were part of another experiment, albeit it was against Gretna, the huns were charged £10, we were charged conciderably more, it was at Fir Park, and it was on John Boyle's watch, he would seem to be the common denominator .
So to all Celtic fans going to that dump on Sunday, when you are thinking of getting a pie & bovril, or a programme, or a half time draw ticket, just remember who's pocket the money will be going into, go along, support our team, and help to secure another three points on the way to four in a row, but keep your hands in your pocket, one things for sure, when we clinch the title again, it wont be at that dump.

hail! hail!

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Re: Celtic Fans should boycott Motherwell

Postby lizardking » Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:27 pm

i agree with that joe , spend as little as you need to when we are there on sunday . cant believe they let the huns in for 10 pound cheaper than us . hope we put the prices up for them when they next come to cltic park .

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Re: Celtic Fans should boycott Motherwell

Postby max » Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:07 pm

One small country many entrance prices!!
Can they spell it out any further?
I don't think so!
This is yet another blatant instance of just why Scotlands Shame are getting away with (attempted) murder!!
Hail! Hail! LK, DB here.

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Re: Celtic Fans should boycott Motherwell

Postby jbd » Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:33 pm

Good on you Joe!
Sounding the bugle, once again, on behalf of the fans.
But is a merchandise boycott enough?
How many tickets are we allocated? 2000- 4000?
Multiply by £10!!!
That's a helluva lot of pies!!
Just a thought,... next time we get a visit from Motherwell (oh! how I hate that name), why don't WE conduct some kind of experiment to see how much visiting fans are prepared to pay to enter PARADISE???
No pies for me on Sunday, (ye canny get them in my part of the world, anyway, but I'm with you all the way).

Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Re: Celtic Fans should boycott Motherwell

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:04 pm

I accept what you say John, but we have no control over ticket pricing at Celtic park, the only influence we can have is as paying customers to opposing grounds. I would love to pick 2/3 grounds next year, and have a total boycott, but we know that history tells us it doesn't work, i have in the past took part in boycott's of snake mountain, Falkirk and Aberdeen, but then you find out that these parks were full with fans who dont normally get tickets, but i also accept that some fans want to follow Celtic no matter what the circumstances.
So for me the obvious solution is to boycott all merchandise at these grounds, we know that they depend on our fans buying their pies and programme's, its usually at grossly inflated prices as well, so anyone with any workable suggestions i'd be happy to hear them, and thanks for your continued support big man, take care.

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Re: Celtic Fans should boycott Motherwell

Postby jbd » Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:53 pm

I agree with you as regards ticket pricing. (I blame John Barleycorn for my suggestion).
Total boycott is unrealistic, as you say.
As I say to the missus, when she complains about supermarkets, and so on...
"Well, don't buy anything from them".

No pies on Sunday,
Oh there'll be no pies on Sunday....
Yer pal, who likes yer style.

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