No moles at I brox

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Joe O'Rourke
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No moles at I brox

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu Dec 18, 2008 5:37 pm

Let me say at the outset,the Celtic Supporters Association always has and always will act in the best interests of Celtic Football Club,that would mean standing 100% behind the club,the Directors,Management and "ALL the Players"lets hope that the present situation with Aiden and Gordon Strachan is resolved so that we can channel all our efforts in securing 4 in a row.
The thing that has always amazed me is how there is always a mole present when something happens concerning a member of staff at Celtic park,within 24 hours every newspaper in the land has a story to tell,for any newspaper to try and sell a story by saying we have inside information,but the source wants to remain anonymous,thats just like making it up as you go along,if the story is proved to be lies who takes the blame for it,certainly not the journalist,lets be clear about this,as far as i know,the only people who know what happened were the players and staff who were inside the dressing room,so how everybody and their cousin can make a comment on it i dont know.
Through all the years of football scandal,nothing seems to get into the papers about the Rangers players,it is always hearsay and rumour until well after the event and Sir Minty gives his permission for it to go to print,when Gazza battered his wife, it was supressed because they had some big games coming up,when Terry Butcher and Graham Roberts had their big fall-outs with Souness nothing was heard of it,again, only rumour,it's remained a secret to this day,sure things that have happened in the public domain have got into the papers,but only because members of the public were present,nothing comes out of castle greyskull unless Sir Minty approves it.
Once again it is us against the rest,nothing has changed there ,so lets all get behind Celtic,and push on to 4 in a row,there is nothing would please our rivals more than to have a divided Celtic support,a support who were picking sides,what we had, was a player and his manager having a fall-out, albeit a serious one,but lets not forget,there are a couple of players in England serving custodial sentences,there has been a couple have done it in Scotland,this has became big news because its Celtic,and a Celtic star who's involved,you must ask yourself,who has the most to gain by this???.
I would ask all Celtic supporters attending the game at Falkirk on Sunday to get 100% behind the team,and lets get back to winning another League title

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Re: No moles at I brox

Postby BanTheRagsCSC » Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:19 pm

Couldn't agree more Joe.

Moonbeam Murray has them tied all up and it's a disgrace in which Celtic are constantly handled by the media.

Personally if it was upto me I would ensure that all media relations would be put through Celtic only - Official Site etc - this way that the fans themselves will know the facts and facts only.

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Re: No moles at I brox

Postby jbd » Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:31 pm

That there is a mole, there can't be much doubt. I didn't have to wait until the redtops hit the news stands, as I read about McGeady/Strachan on CQN about 9 o'clock or thereabouts in the evening. Hardly time enough time for the Hearts players to get back to Embra, before the story was on Celtic cyberspace.
However,that is besides the point. I wholeheartedly agree with your last sentence about getting 100, no, 200% behind the TEAM at Falkirk. To those of you travelling, pleeeease, no chants of "Aiden McGeady" or "Only one Gordon Strachan". Such misplaced displays of "loyalty" won't do the players on the park any good, and we would only be writing the headlines for the laptop loyal. Let them do their own dirty work. There is a much more important task at hand. Winning the SPL for the fourth time in a row and thereby gaining direct entry into CL, for what may well be the last time for many years for a Scottish club. GET BEHIND THE TEAM!!!
b.t.w. I've read within the last hour the the Green Brigade were preparing a version of "Two Little Bhoys". A humorous one, I hope, as it just might take the sharp edge off our present situation.
Stand up for the CHAMPIONS.

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Re: No moles at I brox

Postby jbd » Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:04 pm

I think that is why Kenny Dalgleish held his press conferences in a pub (Bairds??), so that the fans could hear what was actually said, as opposed to what the media reported as having been said. These days, we have the official weekly press conference, live on Celtic TV, where everything is officially documented. Personally, I, like yourself, would like to see ALL interviews by Celtic players to the press, restricted to such sessions, but then they (the laptob mob) would only come out with comments about Celtic players being "muzzled".

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Re: No moles at I brox

Postby max » Fri Dec 19, 2008 7:34 pm

The weekly press conference some times does us no favours. The ammount of times I 've seen young players blatantly quoted out of context, or bombarded with obviously loaded questions I can't count!
Good to see young Loovens do so well in the PC today, we should just nominate him and Hartley to do all our player PCs from now on.

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