"Why do they continue to use Celtic and Sectarian in the same headline?"

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Joe O'Rourke
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"Why do they continue to use Celtic and Sectarian in the same headline?"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:07 pm

[COLOR=#000000:b6757ad7]Just why are the media in Scotland determined to place the name of Celtic next to a headline that screams at you “SECTARIAN SINGING”?[COLOR=#000000:b6757ad7]Last night on STV News at 6 ‘clock John Mc Kay used that term in his introduction; it was quickly changed to illicit chanting after they received phone calls of complaint.[COLOR=#000000:b6757ad7]This morning I was shocked to read the headline in “The Herald” by reporter Jody Harrison “Celtic escape punishment on sectarian chanting”; I emailed her right away; I await a response.[COLOR=#000000:b6757ad7]Is this a tactic being used by the Scottish Media to put pressure on UEFA before they announce their decision on the so-called illicit chanting?[COLOR=#000000:b6757ad7]There would appear to be a lot of outside interference in the due process; you know what they say about throwing enough mud.[COLOR=#000000:b6757ad7]In the first instance the reporting of Celtic to UEFA by the match commander is unprecedented; the same match commander made the complaint to the SPL about illicit chanting during the home match against Hibs; the same match when the police officers under his command acted more in line with the police in Syria; than Scotland.[COLOR=#000000:b6757ad7]I must say I am beginning to suspect that Hugh Dallas might still wield considerable power here in Scotland; the same Dallas who is still employed by UEFA after being sacked by the SFA for sectarian activity.[COLOR=#000000:b6757ad7]Since we had the meeting with ACC Campbell Corrigan the Celtic fans seem to have been complimented on their support of the team; that seems to be annoying certain people in the media.[COLOR=#000000:b6757ad7]These are the same people who continuingly demanded the Celtic fans changed their repertoire; then once they do that through their own choice; not through bullying tactics; the same people are still not happy.[COLOR=#000000:b6757ad7]I don’t think the problem is what we sing at matches here in Scotland; the problem with them is that we are here in Scotland in the first place; well get used to it; we aint going anywhere.

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Re: "Why do they continue to use Celtic and Sectarian in the same headline?"

Postby hen1rik » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:46 pm

Joe cracking article straight to the point and keep up the fight because without you, paul and phil we
wouldnt be any the wiser.

irish eyes
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Re: "Why do they continue to use Celtic and Sectarian in the same headline?"

Postby irish eyes » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:03 pm

Good points Joe. I am never surprised at anything of this kind tbh Joe I'd be more surprised if this type of thing wasn't happening. It's a sorry sad little cuntry right enough.


Re: "Why do they continue to use Celtic and Sectarian in the same headline?"

Postby Guest » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:52 am

Hi Joe.
Would just like to compliment you on your points M8!
I would also like to predict that, until Dallas is gone from UEFA then, the threat of more snakes in our beds, can't be ignored! Please keep up the ghood work Joe!
Hail! Hail!

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