"Justice Committee Convener Christine Grahame Accused of being Anti-Catholic"

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

"Justice Committee Convener Christine Grahame Accused of being Anti-Catholic"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:59 pm

[COLOR=#000000:61217edd]An astonishing claim by an ex-employee of Justice Committee Convener Christine Grahame has claimed that she is anti-Catholic. Mark Hirst worked for Ms Grahame for nine years before being sacked in September.[COLOR=#000000:61217edd]He further accused Ms Grahame of being Racist and Homophobic; if these allegations are found to be true; she would surely have to resign from her position as an MSP for the Scottish Nationalist Party.[COLOR=#000000:61217edd]Mr Hirst has made further allegations to the Scottish Standards Commissioner regarding her racist and sectarian activities. In the case of Presiding Officer Trish Marwick; Grahame claimed her parliamentary activity was “Influenced by the Church”.[COLOR=#000000:61217edd]She said that two of her other SNP colleagues; Michael Matheson and Roseanna Cunningham were as thick as thieves; because; as she said they are “Both Catholics You Know”.[COLOR=#000000:61217edd]Grahame apparently openly opposed the re-entry of former SNP Councillor Murray Hendrie who had defected to the Labour Party because he was a Catholic; it has been suggested that her anti-Catholic views were well known within the SNP.[COLOR=#000000:61217edd]In the case of Independent MSP Margo Mc Donald; she had tried to push through her “End of Life Bill” it was suggested by Mike Rumbles that an ad-hoc committee be set up to scrutinise the bill; Grahame’s response to that suggestion was “That’s Because he’s a Fxxxxxg Catholic”.[COLOR=#000000:61217edd]If anything at all was proposed or supported by the Catholic Church; she would strenuously oppose it; apparently quite openly in front of independent witnesses; it will certainly be very interesting to see what develops over the next few days.[COLOR=#000000:61217edd]Mr Hirst is taking Grahame to an Employment Tribunal for unfair dismissal; he is being supported by his Union.[COLOR=#000000:61217edd]I would call on Alex Salmond to vigorously investigate these claims; and if they are found to be true he must remover her immediately. He must also consider the part she played in the introduction of the new bill on offensive behaviour at football matches; she played a significant part in the bill; if she did so from a sectarian point of view; then the bill in its present form should be scrapped.[COLOR=#000000:61217edd]You can read the full text of his claims at [/COLOR:61217edd][URL="http://www.holyroodconfessions.blogspot.com/"]www.holyroodconfessions.blogspot.com[/URL:61217edd][COLOR=#000000:61217edd]


Re: "Justice Committee Convener Christine Grahame Accused of being Anti-Catholic"

Postby Guest » Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:31 pm

whats this got to do with scottish football,
i forgot you are from port-glasgow


Re: "Justice Committee Convener Christine Grahame Accused of being Anti-Catholic"

Postby Guest » Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:41 pm

Let's not allow this bitter 'sacked' former employee to waste our time with spurious allegations. Christine Grahame has many faults - being a right greetin face one of them!

However, check out this link to get a sense of his agenda: http://councillorterrykelly.blogspot.com/2009/04/mark-hirst-is-snp-advisor-and-and.html

There are plenty of anti-Catholics out there but let's not become tools of this bitter little man in his quest for revenge.


Re: "Justice Committee Convener Christine Grahame Accused of being Anti-Catholic"

Postby Guest » Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:27 pm

A complete load of crap from a disgruntled employee with a major chip on his shoulder who was dismissed for gross misconduct. No so long since I remember reading in the Catholic Observer praising her for trying to bring back the bones of Mary. Plus all the accusations this ex-employee has made so far have been tossed out. Unfortunatly the Internet allows this sort of rubbish to be spouted by people with chips on their shoulders.

Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Re: "Justice Committee Convener Christine Grahame Accused of being Anti-Catholic"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:53 am

whats this got to do with scottish football,
i forgot you are from port-glasgow

Christine Grahame is the Convener of the Justice Committee which is rushing through an anwanted piece of new legislation which will criminalise football supporters, is that enough for you?

Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:44 am

Re: "Justice Committee Convener Christine Grahame Accused of being Anti-Catholic"

Postby Stanshoops » Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:47 pm

Well done to highlight this, I hope that good sense and fairness will prevail over bigotry, however having read Mr. Hirsts account of things why am I sad for not being amazed at this? If it was any other religion or ethnic minority in question there would be political outrage and prompt action - only in Scotland eh? Keep up the good work.
Hail Hail

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