"Lack of Fight was Shocking"

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Joe O'Rourke
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"Lack of Fight was Shocking"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon May 25, 2009 4:05 pm

There were many reasons for losing the League, but i couldn't believe the lack of pride and fight in the team against the wee huns, and how the vile singng of that mob must have impressed their brothers from Govan.
There now needs to be major decisions made concerning next season, will the Manager stay or go ??, personally i think he will go, and thats the right decision at this stage, we need new impetus, we need more motivation from the sidelines, we need someone to take us to the next level, and although his record compares favourably with his predecessors, it looks as though its time for a change, and that is the next big question, who do we appoint ??.
Many will talk of Craig Levein, and he's done a good job at Utd, well up till yesterday anyway, there's also talk of Owen Coyle but i dont think he is experienced enough yet, the same may apply to Paul Lambert and any talk of David Moyes is surely just wishful thinking from the fans, but whatever is to happen needs to happen sooner rather than later.
We have missed out on a lot of money with this failure to close out a League that should have been won weeks ago, to win only two of our last five games since the split is not good enough, we have not only lost the automatic Champions League spot, we have missed out on a very good oppertunity to play in the Malaga tournament in Spain, the bonus from Nike is lost, and probably most importantly season ticket sales will plummet.
I call on the Cheif Executive and the major shareholder to act in the best interests of our great club and do whatever needs to be done to return us to our rightful place at the top of the League.

Erskine Hoop
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Re: "Lack of Fight was Shocking"

Postby Erskine Hoop » Tue May 26, 2009 10:07 am

Gordon should be remembered for his achievements and not for his one failure (this season) although the football is and was dire and his time was up.

But the board need to take a long hard look at themselves and the part they played in losing the league.

big tim
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Re: "Lack of Fight was Shocking"

Postby big tim » Wed May 27, 2009 12:17 am

I have watched Celtic since the early 1960's and even through the worst of times, it is my opinion that this side is the worst side we have ever had.

They lacked pride, commitment, drive and enthusiasm and the lack of goals was down to GS and the Board sticking with big Sammy and Jan who would have struggled to get a position as Kit men a few years ago.

I believe that motivation starts with the manager and I like a number of supporters am glad that GS is away as he failed to instil team motivation and the will to win in his team. His attitude and displays with the media and supporters were an embarrasment to the club.

As regards the Board, they should take full responsibility in the lack of activity in the transfer window in January and considering the money this has cost the club, should resignations be expected from this group of failures.

The Boards future aspirations will be highlighted with their choice of new manager, time will tell

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Re: "Lack of Fight was Shocking"

Postby max » Thu May 28, 2009 2:00 pm

How many Celtic managers can say they NEVER had a trophyless year at the club?
We did win the league cup this year, and won it against the huns!
I can think of many many years when we would have been more than very happy with that!!
I wont list Gordons achievements at CP, because I know everyone here knows them all perfectly well, but if some choose to airbrush them out, for whatever reason, so be it, personally I find it distasteful in the extreme and in some cases nothing short of a damn disgrace!!

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