" Bring Martin Home " A Very Worthy Cause !!!

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 283
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" Bring Martin Home " A Very Worthy Cause !!!

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:08 pm

Martin Kane is an ex-pat Celtic fan who lives in Perth Ausralia, Martin has tragically been struck down with "Devics Syndrome" (the severest form of MS); it has left Martin in a wheelchair unable to fend for himself, this has put tremendous strain on his wife Carolyn and his two teenage children; because the family home is not adapted to Martin's disabilities he has to remain in hospital.
The Bring Martin Home Committee are having a bucket collection at the Motherwell game at Celtic Park on October 17th, the Association are pleased to endorse this appeal, i would urge all Celtic fans to support this very worthy cause; it will only be with your help that Martin can hope to return to his family, please give as generously as you can.

Hi Joe,

I am a member of the 'Bringing Martin Home' appeal organised to raise awareness and funds to support an expat Celtic supporter residing in Perth Australia, Martin Kane (Kano). Martin was struck down with Devics Syndrome (The severest form of MS) which overnight left Martin resigned to life in a wheel chair unable to move, feed or talk. Since November last year Martin has had to stay in Hospital\s only because his family home he shares with his wife Carolyn and their two teenage children is not suitable for his disability. It is the attention of the 'Bringing Martin Home' appeal to raise funds to progress the conversion of Martin's home allowing him back home where he belongs.

On the 17th of October (Motherwell game) the committee have organised a bucket collection with the authority of Glasgow City Council and Strathclyde Police, around Celtic Park to raise funds for this appeal. At the last home league game we handed out 10000 flyers to promote awareness of Martin's situation while informing supporters of the up coming collection. However we are aware that we may miss the chance to collect from Supporters clubs who use the bus park as we are not allowed to collect on Celtic property. This being the case we would like to ask the Supporters Association if they could make their individual clubs aware that we will be collecting and ask them if possible to collect amongst their numbers on the supporters buses on the way to this game and then someone from each club make their way to the bus park enterance where there will be someone standing with a bucket allowing them to make their donations.

This would be very much appreciated, none more so than by Martin himself.

For further information please see [URL="http://www.bringingmartinhome.com"][COLOR=#010100:e1e9fec9]www.bringingmartinhome.com[/COLOR:e1e9fec9][/URL:e1e9fec9]

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Re: " Bring Martin Home " A Very Worthy Cause !!!

Postby jbd » Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:11 pm

Nice to see the association endorse this very worthy cause.
I read of this young man's plight some time ago on another Celtic website. The Celtic family, around the world, has rallied to his cause.
Help him spend Christmas at home with his family.
hail hail.

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