Credit when its due

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Credit when its due

Postby tim4ever » Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:46 pm

Hello to everyone on CSA.

Just to introduce myself, new member - tim4ever.

After some disappointing results over the past couple of months I feel we have turned the corner and sent a message to the other half of the old firm after beating St Mirren 7-0.

Personally I don't think goal difference will come into it and we will go on and win the league, you just have to look at the last result against Rangers to see.

Everyone will admit that we were going through a bad spell and they were at their best and they still coudn't beat us.

Combine this with the fact that they need to offload at least eight players for next season and I can see Celtic going on for five in a row.

Go on the hoops


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Re: Credit when its due

Postby max » Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:47 pm

Jusy one wee criticism.

Gordon if you read this, THE DUTCH GUYS DON'T GET TO TAKE PENALTIES!!!

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Re: Credit when its due

Postby jbd » Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:57 pm

Hello tim, and welcome to CSA.
Hopefully, goal difference won't be an issue this term, but it's worth noting that it can be as good as an extra point.
Indeed, it was encouraging to see us playing attacking football, "the Glasgow Celtic way".
Midfield was superb, with Naka MOTM, in my opinion. Crosas, surely, has laid down his marker for a regular starting place. His direct approach was a joy to watch, as, in recent weeks we have been too slow in our build up, allowing our opponents time to get back and fill the gaps.

I agree with you as regards penalties. Big Jan's are every bit as bad as Robson's. A miskick, straight at the goalie. Why not Naka??? Nobody in the country has anywhere near his technique, or ability to place a ball outside the 'keeper's reach.
Onwards and upwards to four in a row.

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Re: Credit when its due

Postby max » Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:38 pm

I've still got serious doubts about Big Jans, if not ability, certainly consistency, watching him try to turn in the penalty box (or just outside) is like watching a double decker bus atempting a 3 point turn in West Nile Street!!!
I know he has, and can, score important goals for in the past and hopefully will in the future, but his penalty miss and with half the team were trying to line the Big Man up with a goal, the fact he failed to do so underlines his need to 'up his game', and soon.

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