" Walter's Mind Games Worked A Treat "

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Joe O'Rourke
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" Walter's Mind Games Worked A Treat "

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:31 pm

We absolutely massacred the Huns 1-1, nothing seems to have changed there then, under Tommy Burns we done the same for years, but it has to be said that, although we had enough chances to win six games, there were at least two major incidents which referee Conroy got completely wrong, the goal and the tackle by Laugherty, if that was not a straight red card, then i haven't seen one before, it was a leg breaking challenge. I think we need to take a leaf out of Sir Furious's book, one which Walter would appear to have read or maybe even helped to write.
All week leading up to the game he was putting pressure on the officials, he had appealed the Miller ordering off in mid-week, and when that was lost he accused the referee of changing his story, the referee who happened to be the fourth official yesterday. Well congratulations Wattie, it worked a treat, our complaint was usually about officials who had Masonic links, and who were dyed in the wool Huns, but not this time, that didn't apply, although I'm not sure about the linesmen, this time the referee and the other officials were afraid to upset the most important man in Scottish football, Wattie.
Fergie has made an art form out of mind games in England, and he has a fine student up here in Walter, Fergie complains about every decision that goes against Manchester United, it doesn't change the decision, but it puts pressure on the officials the next time they happen to be charge of a United match, I think its time big Tony was exerting some of that pressure himself, after yesterdays game he said that we just have to accept the decisions made, well Tony, I'm going to disagree with you there, we have dropped five points to them this season already, and these results were certainly influenced by bad refereeing decisions, and that has to be said, this isn't a popularity contest, they don't work, I mean even Jesus lost one of those votes to Barabas. This is about getting our title back and the manager needs to do everything in his power to ensure we do that, and if that means upsetting some officials, or paying a couple of fines to the SPL, then it will be money well spent. We have to make it clear to everyone concerned, that we will not be cheated out of the title by corrupt or incompetent officials.
The pundits can say what they like about Celtic missing chances, it doesn't change the fact that we were denied a legitimate goal when we were in full control of the match, and that we should have been playing against ten men for the last hour of the contest.

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Re: " Walter's Mind Games Worked A Treat "

Postby tyrebhoy » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:55 pm

Yes thats all right saying these things, but not from the CSA this should come from the board, if they d;nt waken up we may have to close the top tiers next season,
I d;nt have much faith in our management team,
our manager has said the same crap at Hibs and WBA, the job;s to big for him:crying::excruciating:

John Lynch
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Re: " Walter's Mind Games Worked A Treat "

Postby John Lynch » Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:58 am

Joe you forgot to mention the arm to ball incident that was a clear penalty early in the game. Our defence is also a major problem as they only had one chance to deal with and failed, I thought we should have had a defender on the front post as that might have stopped the goal.

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Re: " Walter's Mind Games Worked A Treat "

Postby clover4 » Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:05 am

The men who have the honour of being coustodians of our great club are nothing short of cowards. Not one word has been said about the blatant corruption of match officals how much longer are we the Celtic support going to put up with our coustodians cowardice.Uncle Wattie can say as he likes .Mr Mowbray is not up to the job of defending his own players .Dr Reid another joker as for PL enough said. There is no longer just anger to this boards inaction.IF they are not up for a fight the fans most certainly are be it against the so called board or the corruptors .Time to make a choice Desmond Reid and Lawman.

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Re: " Walter's Mind Games Worked A Treat "

Postby tyrebhoy » Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:26 am

If the board had the guts to let BOBO stay we would have won the SPL last season and well in front this year, are we going back to Kelly/White, when we had manager with no say

Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
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Re: " Walter's Mind Games Worked A Treat "

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:50 am

There are lots to worry us just now, i know wee Scott isn't everybody's favourite striker, but he's the best we have in terms of goals return, i for one would not like to see him being transferred to some two bob English team. January will be the telling time for the Board and the Manager, if the Board supply the funds to bring in new players of Tony's choice, then the League is still there to be won, we need to stick together to maximise our chances.
If the Board dont provide the finances to improve the team, i think there will be serious demonstrations, i totally agree with Tyrebhoy that the crowds are very poor at the moment, the only way to improve that is to provide a decent product on the park. But we must Keep the Faith, WE SHALL OVERCOME.

irish eyes
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Re: " Walter's Mind Games Worked A Treat "

Postby irish eyes » Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:27 pm

CFC should be shouting from the rooftops at decisions that are obviously wrong. If we complain after NOT winning a game then we'll be accused of bleating because we lost. However there are countless games when we have WON despite the decisions against us and that is when, in particular, CELTIC should be making their voice heard and their feelings known. There are numerous games where we sit and watch decision after decision given against us and it sickens me. I am sick of what goes on in this cuntry.

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Re: " Walter's Mind Games Worked A Treat "

Postby kevza » Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:24 pm

Our board are a total joke.

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