" Aiden is in for even more abuse now, thanks to Dougie Mc Donald "

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Joe O'Rourke
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" Aiden is in for even more abuse now, thanks to Dougie Mc Donald "

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:21 pm

[SIZE=3:610ea4b6]Following his unfair ordering off at Easter Road; Aiden Mc Geady is in for even more abuse this season than in previous ones if that’s at all possible.[/SIZE:610ea4b6]
[SIZE=3:610ea4b6]But first lets look at the ordering off, I was at the game and firmly believe that the only person in the stadium who thought that Aiden had dived was Dougie Mc Donald;( who I always thought was a bluenose but I’m reliably informed is a big Hibs fan); even the lineman who was very close to the incident gave a foul to Celtic, so for the ref to order Aiden off was ludicrous, maybe he was trying to justify the sponsorship of referees by Specsavers.[/SIZE:610ea4b6]
[SIZE=3:610ea4b6]The laptop loyal and the radio stations then went into meltdown over it, how any Celtic fan can listen to and indeed phone into clowns like Cameron, Keevins and Traynor is beyond me, all they do is keep these anti Celtic people in a very well paid job.[/SIZE:610ea4b6]
[SIZE=3:610ea4b6]Aiden is now in for the bile treatment at every ground Celtic visit, this time it will be with cries of CHEAT instead of traitor, it will be coming from the same scum and some more added; and all on the back of one decision taken by a useless referee; who has proved over the years that when it comes to Celtic he is no friend. Let me make one thing clear, I don’t want a referee to favour Celtic, I just want them to be honest, and in over fifty years of following Celtic I haven’t seen too many honest referees.[/SIZE:610ea4b6]
[SIZE=3:610ea4b6]The only thing we as Celtic fans can do about the situation is, the more they boo or jeer Aiden, the more we shout and chant his name; and lets hit them where it hurts the most, bhoycott their goods, buy nothing in their shops, if you need something to eat, buy it before you get to the ground, these people need us more than we will ever need them. [/SIZE:610ea4b6]
:clover:Keep the Faith

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Re: " Aiden is in for even more abuse now, thanks to Dougie Mc Donald "

Postby scuds67 » Wed Sep 02, 2009 4:39 pm

We really must start making our mark,this constant negativity towards Celtic is never going away. It is time to unite and show our strength a total boycott will send a clear message,it will be hard but not going to away games but we have to make our mark

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Re: " Aiden is in for even more abuse now, thanks to Dougie Mc Donald "

Postby max » Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:36 pm

If this is the way the SPL is going to be officiated in the next few seasons, brace yourselves for the huns doing 4IAR!
It's a feckin' blot!!

Erskine Hoop
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Re: " Aiden is in for even more abuse now, thanks to Dougie Mc Donald "

Postby Erskine Hoop » Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:19 am

Have to completely disagree with the above. He dived, let's not beat about the bush here. Most teams have players diving, Eduardo being the best proof of cheating. We cannot complain when Eduardo does it and then say Aiden is innocent, when he clearly isn't.

Aiden was not tackled, he was not touched, so the logical explanation for him falling, was he dived. Let's stop the utter paranoia Joe, it does Celtic FC no good and makes our fans look silly.

Everyone of my mates believed he dived when it was shown on TV and I've seen nothing to disprove that and neither have you. If Tony Mowbray had came out straight away and condemned Aiden for diving, we would not be accused of hypocrisy and double standards. Now it'll rumble on and every Tic player who falls to the ground will be scrutinised.

Joe O'Rourke
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Re: " Aiden is in for even more abuse now, thanks to Dougie Mc Donald "

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:19 am

You see the difference here is, i was actually at the game, not sitting watching on the telly, so at what point did you and all your mates decide Aiden had dived? after the 3rd,, 4rth, or 5th replay, making the decision in real time is how to view it, i still dont think it shows even in the replays that its a deliberate dive. If your telling me you think Aiden is a cheat, after years of watching him getting kicked up and down parks all over Europe then we are never going to agree, but your entitled to your opinion like all fans are

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Re: " Aiden is in for even more abuse now, thanks to Dougie Mc Donald "

Postby max » Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:13 pm

There's no way Aiden dived. I watched the game live on CH67 and it took the replay Dpt quite some time to find a shot that made it look like Aiden MIGHT have dived, and that was 1 out of about 5!
This decision comes from a ref who showed a hibs player a yellow only for the player to push him out of his way with a sneer of sheer and utter contempt, then lifted his hand to the ref, knocking the card from his hand onto the ground while snarling god only knows what over his shoulder at the ref, only for him to pick the card up of the ground like a complete pussy and put it back in his pocket, without even a reply never mind taking any action!!!
Says it all really, for me anyway!!

Erskine Hoop
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Re: " Aiden is in for even more abuse now, thanks to Dougie Mc Donald "

Postby Erskine Hoop » Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:01 pm

I was at the game Joe, I go to every game. At the time I thought it was an awful decision and gave the ref pelters. However since I've watched the replays, there was no contact at all and I'll defy anyone to show me where Aiden was tackled and touched. As I said, since I've spoken with my mates from the bus, they'bve all said the same thing, he deserved a sending off.

We cannot complain about Lafferty and Eduardo and then sweep aside Aiden's actions and defend the indefensable.

If you honestly think he was tackled, then I must be watching a different sport. However regardless of id he dived or not. We complain about Eduardo (rightly so) and then defend Aiden. I would suggest, the media will go for the club and fans because of what everyone is calling the double standards.

My wee mate from Paisley (St Mirren fan) has been ribbing me all week about it at work. They are still fuming about Naka and his free kick at the old Love St. We cannot complain about others cheating and then sweep it under the carpet when our players do the same.

Aiden dived, he was not touched, let's be man enough to say, get up and do what you're good at Aiden, don't roll about like Eduardo and emabrrass the club.

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Re: " Aiden is in for even more abuse now, thanks to Dougie Mc Donald "

Postby max » Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:56 pm

I keep reading about "double standards".
Whether Aiden dived or not is totally a matter of opinion, and everyone has a right to their own, but Aiden was shown a red card leaving us down to ten men with half an hour to play when we were only one goal up, were as Eduardo was not booked but was awarded a penalty, ending any chance Celtic might have of coming back from the CP result.
That for me is the real "double standard".
I really can't see how the 2 incidents are comparable, unless it's if a player does it against Celtic no action is taken (infact quite the reverse!) and if there is the slightest hint that a Celtic player does it they are booked! (obviously Aidens first yellow making it a sending off)
The "double standard" in Scottish football is a long standing affair. I remember Big Jan being sent off, not so long ago, for over celebrating a goal (again after recieving a second yellow), while Rangers players were basically 'crowd surfing' on a weekly basis without any sanctions whatsoever!
And as far as "Captain unbookable" is concerned, I wont even go there.
"double standards"?
It's hardly breaking news as far as the SPL's concerned!

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Re: " Aiden is in for even more abuse now, thanks to Dougie Mc Donald "

Postby gert/canada » Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:16 pm

I think the real question to be asked is where the ref was at the time of the incident . The second official i believe gave us a free kick overuled by that dirty m-----c b . This man has and always will try his utmost to help our opponents no matter who we are playing. It,s done and dusted so let,s all get over it. I,m sure their will be alot more to talk about in the coming months . By the way i have to agree with max their is no comparison between the two incidents they got a penalty we go down to ten men. " enough said".

Rupert The Tim
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Re: " Aiden is in for even more abuse now, thanks to Dougie Mc Donald "

Postby Rupert The Tim » Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:45 am

You are correct, Joe, and it sad that other contributors disagree. Aiden is clearly a victim of anti-Celtic and anti-Irish bias (I know that is unpopular, but nevertheless accurate). Thanks for raising the issue in your customary fearless way. Our heritage is safe in your hands - well done!

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