Time for Celtic Fans to Bhoycott

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Joe O'Rourke
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Time for Celtic Fans to Bhoycott

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:45 pm

In the last week Celtic have came under attack from several different directions, it's time we started to flex our muscles and hit back at these people by bhoycotting their products. I'll start with Gordon Waddell of the Sunday Mail, he makes comments about Landry N'Guemo that if they are not Racist then its as close as you can get, he goes with a headline of " YOU MUST BE RADIO RENTAL" he then confuses the Amazon in South America with Cameroon in Africa, that doesn't matter, what matters is that he infers that Landry told lies by saying that he listened to Celtic games on the radio when growing up, while casting aspersions on two former Celtic players ability, he insults both Landry and Celtic football club. I have written to him (Waddell) his editor George Cheyne and Peter Lawwell to officially complain. If ther are any Celtic fans out there who still buy this paper please refrain in future, you do nothing but finance these people to attack Celtic on a weekly basis.
Next up in Mad Vlad Romanov, he tells anyone who will listen that the only way we can beat Dinamo Moscow is if we get help from the referee,well that will be a case for contacting the Guiness book of Records, why has this mug got to comment on Celtic, you would think he had enogh to worry about with his own team.
But the best of all is Dundee Utd chairman Stephen Thompson, he attacks Celtic chairman John Reid for having the cheek to tell the other SPL cubs that they got it wrong with the Setanta deal, i think they know that now alright, a few will be on very shakey ground with the banks, he also has a go at Celtic because Peter Lawwell and John Reid didn't attend the AGM, he has the audacity to complain about Celtic sending Director Eric Riley to the Agm. Best of all is, he says to be fair to Rangers Martin Bain was away all week, does that infer that he isn't being fair to Celtic, i think the answer to that is very clear, so what can we as Celtic fans do about it ???
I would suggest that since these clubs keep telling us that they dont need us that we put that to the test, lets pick 2 or 3 grounds and bhoycott them, see how they get on without the Celtic fans, i know thats very hard to do, but we would only have to do it once, they would soon see they would be in an even more terrible state without us, it would also give us an oppertunity to drive a better deal on ticket pricing and catering. This could obviously only be achieved with the full backing of the Celtic fans, but it could be done, its time for us to sand up for ourselves and our team.

Rupert The Tim
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Re: Time for Celtic Fans to Bhoycott

Postby Rupert The Tim » Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:30 pm

I agree. I can't afford to go to away matches (£54 for me and my wee boy at Rugby Park a few seasons ago plus travel cost and £10 for catering did it for me) so I hesitate to recommend to faithful followers that they should boycott certain away matches but I hope they might seriously consider this suggestion.

For too long clubs in this country have bitten the hand that feeds them and a limited boycott may serve as a timely reminder.

Mad Vlad is a bit part player in a 007 movie - just ignore him and he'll explode one day. Never read the Daily Record or Sunday Mail and would encourage others to do the same. Try the Daily Mail which is a quality read and will last you all day instead of the Record that you''ll have finished (including crossword and a chat with the ticket collector) on the train from Bishopbriggs to Queen Street.

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Re: Time for Celtic Fans to Bhoycott

Postby jbd » Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:14 am

Arabs chairman Stephen Thompson is bang out of order by having a personal go at Peter Lawwell and John Reid. If it wasn't for the pulling power of Celtic (and that other mob from Govan) then SPL clubs wouldn't have gotten any type of TV deal at all.
Celtic, Aberdeen, (and THEM), warned of the risk involved by making the original deal with Setanta in the first place, but the others wouldn't listen.
As for Mad Vlad..........enough said.
I spoke to you one time before, Joe, about boycottes, but you didn't seem to think it would work.
Reason being, that so many fans were so desperate to watch away games, that they would buy a ticket, no matter what.
I'm glad to see that you are beginning to think along the same lines as me. If only for a "one off", just to let them see how dependent they are on Celtic.
Too many clubs raise their prices for tickets and catering when Celtic come to town, so the answer is simple.....
Don't buy their product!!!
Sunday Mail/Daily Retard?... well you didn't expect any better from them, did you?
I stopped reading them when they branded my club as "thugs and thieves".
End of rant,
p.s. good to see you still fighting your corner for the club.

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Re: Time for Celtic Fans to Bhoycott

Postby scuds67 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:40 am

This boycott has been a long time coming,i still remember airbrush leckie of the sun publicly stating how he could not stand MON. We have the numbers to cause financial concern to a lt of establishments.

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Re: Time for Celtic Fans to Bhoycott

Postby Jambobhoy100 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:03 pm

I have to agree with the idea of a boycott, athought some may see it has cutting of your nose to spite your face, as away days have great atmosphere, it is the only way we as a club can show the rest that we are infact a help and not a hindarnce to their own club.

Dundee Utd, Hearts and Kilmarnock would be my choice of away days to boycott and gauge the reaction after.

Hail Hail

Joe O'Rourke
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Re: Time for Celtic Fans to Bhoycott

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:15 pm

After last year the treatment we got from Motherwell would be one of mine along with Dundee Utd just to see the reaction from their chairman, but the most important thing is, can a Bhoycott be achieved with real success???

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Re: Time for Celtic Fans to Bhoycott

Postby Jambobhoy100 » Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:52 pm

I think if every1 rallies to the cause, every1 sticks together as a supporters unit, then yes not only will it be a success, it will prove a massive and valid point.

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Re: Time for Celtic Fans to Bhoycott

Postby jimbob » Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:26 pm

To be a success we have to get all the other supporters groups on our side,there has been some talk on the fan forums But nothing from any other worthwhile group.Without them we are farting in the wind.

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Re: Time for Celtic Fans to Bhoycott

Postby jbd » Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:03 am

Re: boycottes,
Tannadice is a no brainer, if only to give their chairman the finger.
Also agree on Murderwell, Hearts and Killie
But hey.....
why not start with the Daily Retard / Sunday Mail???
These guys have always had an agenda against the Hoops. (paranoid??? Who, me???)
"If you can't find anything positive to say about the HUNS, then traumatise the TIMS"
Every time we buy their chip wrappers, or click onto their homepage, then we justify their sponsor's investment in them.
No customers.....no sponsors.....no investment.....no Gordon Waddell, Hugh Keevins (Ned Flanders), et al.
C'MON the Hoops,
Show them what they're up against.

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Re: Time for Celtic Fans to Bhoycott

Postby mickybhoy76 » Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:00 pm

i have made the decision that I'm going to enjoy the new season without the aid of the daily and sunday rags, ewan and roughy, clyde superscoreboardlive, chick young et al.

I will go to home games when i can afford it, otherwise i will pay a fiver a month to channel 67 to listen to the matches and buy the Celtic View. i'll still monitor the BBC celtic homepage but that's only because they actually contain reports, not opinions

I'm sick to the stomach of the garbage these people spout on about, and its all opinion, not fact, unless it's unfavourable towards the hoops, i mean FFS, BBC Scotland still take every available oppertunity to mention ICT beating us 1-3 in the cup A DECADE AGO!!! it's always "how bad Celtic are" and "how good everyone else is"

I don't care how paranoid it sounds, or how one-sided my green-tinted info will be, i know one thing is for sure, i'll enjoy my football this season, not sit there every week getting annoyed before a ball is kicked!:clover:




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