Collum, ones as bad as the other.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Collum, ones as bad as the other.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Mar 07, 2018 12:03 pm

Many times during your life when you are comparing lots of things, you would say “One’s as good as the other” when it comes to Scottish referees it changes when we are Celtic to “One’s as bad as the other” that was my immediate thoughts when I heard Willie Collum is the referee for Sundays match at the Bigot Dome.

It could have been any one of the Rabid Sevco supporting referees, like John Beaton, or Bobby Midden, or Andrew Dallas, in fact any referee in Scotland, I have absolutely no confidence in any of them. That is not a new thing, that has been the case for my 60 odd years following Celtic.

The Scottish Hacks smell blood, they have jumped on the fact that Sevco have managed to win a few games this year, and we have not been as good as last season. This season was never going to mirror last season. Going another season undefeated was almost impossible. Having already won the League Cup, six points ahead in the League with a home game in hand against Dundee, and in the semi-final of the Scottish Cup is hardly failure.

There has been pretty severe injury problems this season, especially in the forward areas. We have lost Moussa and Griff for long periods of the season, these are the guys who turn draws into victories. We have also lost goal scoring creative players, like Stuart Armstrong and Tom Rogic. A club with the squad like Celtic’s should be able to handle it, but you always want your best players available.

All the media bluster about mad cheering going on in the Sevco dressing room when the cup draw was announced, I can assure them right now, I and all the rest of the Celtic Family were also cheering, and we have good cause to cheer, after all, Sevco have never won a game against Celtic over ninety minutes in their short unsuccessful history. Brendan’s record is exceptional six victories from eight matches, and that should have been a clean sweep.

The officials have a part to play on Sunday, all we ask is for fair play. I don’t want preferential treatment from officials, I just want them to be competent and honest, nothing more. Having said that, I don’t think the comments “Competent and Honest” are ever attached to a description of a Scottish Referee.

Going to Snake Mountain isn’t one of my favourite places to visit. We will once again be subjected to a sectarian repertoire for almost two hours. Our players will be subjected to Racist and Bigoted abuse, with Moussa and Scotty Sinclair suffering the most, well, apart from Mr Indestructible, our Captain Fantastic, Scott Brown, and all under the noses of Police Scotland, who will do absolutely nothing about it, nor will the people in authority in Scottish Football.

All we ask of our team on Sunday is, that they play to their capabilities, and give 100% effort, we cannot ask for any more than that. If that happens, then the only thing that will stop a Celtic victory will be the officials, that wouldn’t be the first time that has happened.

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