McDonald to be handed the remaining Huns games?

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McDonald to be handed the remaining Huns games?

Postby AlbertBymn » Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:40 pm

Do you think the SFA and the SPL will allow Dougie McDonald to referee all Rangers remaining matches? I would suggest that is their best chance of landing a treble; I’m sure a meeting could be arranged fairly quickly involving George Peat, Gordon Smith and Hugh Dallas to endorse the move; maybe he could double up and award the Huns a couple of penalties on the Saturday, then deny us one or two on the Sunday as well as ordering off Aiden Mc Geady for good measure. I also believe a letter needs to be sent to all the other clubs in the SPL, and Raith Rovers, that attacking Rangers and trying to score goals against them is not allowed and certainly will not be tolerated; any such actions will be reported to the Video Review Panel (VRP)

Talking of the VRP it looks like we will have another player appearing before it after Saturdays match, after watching the highlights on Saturday night (I didn’t see anything at the match, although I was at the other end) it would seem that Morten Rasmussen might have a case to answer for use of the elbow, big Morten took a few heavy knocks during the first half, so it might well be he was sending out a message to say enough is enough, but I somehow don’t think the panel will accept that as an excuse; and that’s fine so long as it’s a level playing field and they refer all such incidents to the panel, I wonder if Tim Clancy will have to appear after stamping on big Morten earlier in the match, if he does with a name like that he can expect a hefty punishment; but as the undertaker says, remains to be seen.
The lap top loyal have been out in force again over the comments made by Aiden Mc Geady about the impartiality shown by Dougie Mc Donald, I don’t think you need to be a rocket scientist to see where Dougie’s allegiance lies but they have singled out Aiden, in recent weeks comments have been made by Gordon Smith, Hugh Dallas, Gus Mc Pherson, Stephen Pressley and many more, we really need to do something about this as a complete support, as I’ve said in the past there is not one newspaper, or indeed one sports writer who gives Celtic a fair and honest deal in terms of reporting the facts.

I call on all Celtic fans to take every option possible to deny these people our financial support, do not buy their rags, if you must read them do so on the internet, and if you see a report that you think is unfair and unreasonable, then feel free to contact the reporter and his or her editor and formally complain. Another bug bear for me is radio phone ins, lets have no more Celtic fans making up an audience for the likes of Jim Traynor, Hugh Keevins and Euan Cameron, leave their shows to the manky mob. I will also be asking Peter Lawwell to assure me that no information other than which is contractually agreed will be given to the media, and that he makes sure that the message is conveyed to the players as well, no more cosy relationships with these people.

There is a meeting on Saturday morning at 11 am in St Mary’s hall Abercrombie Street, I invite along any fan who thinks he or she can contribute something to a collective Celtic Supporters campaign to highlight the injustices being waged against Celtic FC by those in authority within Scottish Football, this campaign needs the united support of all our fans.
Hail Hail; Keep the Faith.

PS Did Dougie do the Scottish Cup draw?

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Re: McDonald to be handed the remaining Huns games?

Postby max » Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:33 pm

Seen you last night on the Huddle Online Joe. A confident relaxed perforfance.
You done yourself and the CSA proud.
Also good to put a face to a name, something, living abroad, I seldom get to do.
All the best Joe.

Hail! Hail!

Joe O'Rourke
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Re: McDonald to be handed the remaining Huns games?

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:24 pm

Thank you so much for the kind words i really appreciate them, i had just came out of a meeting with Peter Lawwell and right into the interview, so i haven't seen it but if your happy then thats good enough for me
Hail Hail,

irish eyes
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Re: McDonald to be handed the remaining Huns games?

Postby irish eyes » Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:54 pm

Good luck with the meeting on Saturday morning folks - unfortunately it would be impossible for me to attend a meeting at that time on Saturday - I will keep up-to-date on this site and if I can at some point in the future assist I will try to do so.

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