Just how many times can the Rangers fans swap sides?

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 283
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Just how many times can the Rangers fans swap sides?

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:42 pm

[COLOR=#000000:f6a63306]Have the Rangers fans finally got someone they like? Or to put it another way, have they finally got someone who acts and behaves the same way they do?
[COLOR=#000000:f6a63306]They have jumped ship so many times since February 14th that I think I have lost count of the number of people they thought were the right ones to take Rangers forward.
[COLOR=#000000:f6a63306]After the Murray cheating years they found one of their own in Craig Whyte, he was definitely the man for Rangers, after all he was a Rangers man, and he was certainly well versed in avoiding paying debts.
[COLOR=#000000:f6a63306]But when he took the club into administration the real fun started. The Blue Knights were the new hero’s, after all they were Rangers men, but unfortunately they had little or no money.
[COLOR=#000000:f6a63306]The baton then fell to Bill Miller, problem here; he’s not a Rangers man, so when he does his homework properly he pulls out.
[COLOR=#000000:f6a63306]Step forward the Blue Knights again, but they still have little or no money, even with the backing of Brian Kennedy.
[COLOR=#000000:f6a63306]Then out of the blue (should that be out of the green) comes a guy called Charles Green, another non Rangers man, but that doesn’t matter because he talks a good game and has lots of backers and money.
[COLOR=#000000:f6a63306]The CVA is rejected and he has secured a deal to buy Rangers as a Newco for £5.5 million, I guess that was always the plan anyway.
[COLOR=#000000:f6a63306]Then the real Blue Knight arrives on a white charger, the bold Walter, Mr Integrity himself, a real Rangers man, he must be he was involved in the EBT’s during his tenure as manager of Rangers.
[COLOR=#000000:f6a63306]All bets are off now, everyone needs to move aside and let Walter and his gang take over, just exactly where were Walter and his gang during the last four months?
[COLOR=#000000:f6a63306]Well it’s pretty obvious, they are Rangers men alright, but they had absolutely no intentions of paying the debts of their cheating club.
[COLOR=#000000:f6a63306]That’s why him and his gang of Jim Mc Coll and Douglas Park were not making any serious attempt to buy the club and , they were only interested in a debt free Newco.
[COLOR=#000000:f6a63306]I sincerely hope at least one good thing comes out of this sorry mess, and that is that Celtic FC gets themselves a new Bus Company and the same goes for any of our supporters clubs who still use Parks of Hamilton.


Re: Just how many times can the Rangers fans swap sides?

Postby Guest » Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:58 pm

who is this rangers everyone keeps talking about?


Re: Just how many times can the Rangers fans swap sides?

Postby Guest » Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:31 pm

[COLOR=#000000:070934dc]Have the Rangers fans finally got someone they like? Or to put it another way, have they finally got someone who acts and behaves the same way they do?
[COLOR=#000000:070934dc]They have jumped ship so many times since February 14th that I think I have lost count of the number of people they thought were the right ones to take Rangers forward.
[COLOR=#000000:070934dc]After the Murray cheating years they found one of their own in Craig Whyte, he was definitely the man for Rangers, after all he was a Rangers man, and he was certainly well versed in avoiding paying debts.
[COLOR=#000000:070934dc]But when he took the club into administration the real fun started. The Blue Knights were the new hero’s, after all they were Rangers men, but unfortunately they had little or no money.
[COLOR=#000000:070934dc]The baton then fell to Bill Miller, problem here; he’s not a Rangers man, so when he does his homework properly he pulls out.
[COLOR=#000000:070934dc]Step forward the Blue Knights again, but they still have little or no money, even with the backing of Brian Kennedy.
[COLOR=#000000:070934dc]Then out of the blue (should that be out of the green) comes a guy called Charles Green, another non Rangers man, but that doesn’t matter because he talks a good game and has lots of backers and money.
[COLOR=#000000:070934dc]The CVA is rejected and he has secured a deal to buy Rangers as a Newco for £5.5 million, I guess that was always the plan anyway.
[COLOR=#000000:070934dc]Then the real Blue Knight arrives on a white charger, the bold Walter, Mr Integrity himself, a real Rangers man, he must be he was involved in the EBT’s during his tenure as manager of Rangers.
[COLOR=#000000:070934dc]All bets are off now, everyone needs to move aside and let Walter and his gang take over, just exactly where were Walter and his gang during the last four months?
[COLOR=#000000:070934dc]Well it’s pretty obvious, they are Rangers men alright, but they had absolutely no intentions of paying the debts of their cheating club.
[COLOR=#000000:070934dc]That’s why him and his gang of Jim Mc Coll and Douglas Park were not making any serious attempt to buy the club and , they were only interested in a debt free Newco.
[COLOR=#000000:070934dc]I sincerely hope at least one good thing comes out of this sorry mess, and that is that Celtic FC gets themselves a new Bus Company and the same goes for any of our supporters clubs who still use Parks of Hamilton.


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Re: Just how many times can the Rangers fans swap sides?

Postby tyrebhoy » Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:23 pm

If this club that went bust, are allowed back in SPL with penalties, whats to stop other teams with debt, doing the same and calling in administrators just a horrible thought?????

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Re: Just how many times can the Rangers fans swap sides?

Postby gert/canada » Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:30 am

Joe , how can these unregistered guests get to comment on the articles. If they are going to slander you then they should at least write their names.
Coward that he or she is.

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