The biggest party in the history of Scottish Football.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

The biggest party in the history of Scottish Football.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:50 pm

[COLOR=#000000:053053a1]And the farce continues over at Snake Mountain; because Celtic has rightly refused to pay for tickets in advance for a match that might not take place. The Rangers Trust want to reduce our allocation to 1000 from almost 8,000; very clever move indeed; instead of charging us £42; I guess they will want to pay about £25; and allocate the tickets to part-time bigots because the full time bigots already have season tickets.[COLOR=#000000:053053a1]That would mean a further shortfall in revenue of about £100,000; can they afford to do that? Or do they believe that they won’t have to pay anybody regardless because of the administration issue?[COLOR=#000000:053053a1]I suspect the real reason for the RT to want a reduction is more to do with having to watch the most colourful party in the history of Scottish Football; certainly since Beach Ball Sunday at least; this mob just don’t get it; all the blame for their ill’s lies at their own door; and I stress “LIES”.[COLOR=#000000:053053a1]I remember when Moonbeams Murray banned us from Snake Mountain in the mid-nineties; it was another sneaky attack; knowing that the rules would change after that; so there would be no opportunity for Celtic to retaliate.[COLOR=#000000:053053a1]Murray claimed it was to do with damaged seats in the Celtic section; no physical proof was ever produced; so Celtic refused to accept responsibility. What Fergus did propose was that Celtic would pay for an independent inspection of the stand; both before and after the match to verify any damage; he also offered to provide and pay for Celtic’s own stewards to cover the section; as we all know Murray declined; we also know; they still couldn’t beat us; even with no supporters present.[COLOR=#000000:053053a1]I would really love the administrators to explain to all the creditors what will happen to the £300,000 ticket money; will it be put towards reducing their liabilities? Or will it be used to carry on trading and operating as normal?[COLOR=#000000:053053a1]I would not want to see anyone losing their job no matter where they work; but I fail to understand how a company can go into administration when the owner claims to be a Billionaire; and the previous owner claims to be a very wealthy tycoon; how do these people sleep at night knowing the stress they are causing to their everyday work-force?[COLOR=#000000:053053a1]I always remember thinking he looked a bit snide when I first seen him on the telly; it just goes to prove first impressions are important; more stringent laws must be brought in to protect people against clowns like him who take over a company; run up massive debt’s; then continue to live a life of luxury while all his creditors don’t know if they will be paid.[COLOR=#000000:053053a1]While they continue to stutter from day to day; we the Celtic Support can look forward to a party every weekend from now until, the end of the season; sales in jelly & ice cream has rocketed; I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr Whyte did not make that his next venture in the business world.


Re: The biggest party in the history of Scottish Football.

Postby Guest » Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:02 pm

"Airdrie's problems worsened when it was revealed that Rangers had arrested the club's share of the gate receipts for Sunday's Scottish Cup tie at Dundee United. Ibrox chairman David Murray applied for an interdict, on behalf of his company Carnegie, for a debt of around £30,000 owed by Airdrie. Mr Murray said: "I feel very sorry for Airdrie and their supporters but we're running a business. We have given them repeated warnings and felt they were playing on our good nature." The Scottish Football Association described the move as "a private matter between the clubs" and made clear there had been no contact with either party."


Re: The biggest party in the history of Scottish Football.

Postby Guest » Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:07 pm

Big man gonny stop the apostrophe abuse.

Fife Bhoy
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Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2010 4:46 pm

Re: The biggest party in the history of Scottish Football.

Postby Fife Bhoy » Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:58 pm

Good one Joe. You are right they just don't get it do they?

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Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:20 pm

Re: The biggest party in the history of Scottish Football.

Postby largybhoy » Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:19 pm

Can anyone shed light on the 50million that Murray had to underwrite when their proposed shares issue was not taken up the so called support a few years ago......does this make MIH a creditor (I think at the time it was written of against the company, which would in theory mean that it is still outstanding - or would he just have 'swallowed' this to avoid any more bad publicity; unlikely given that MIH is also running on a large debt - surely the banks would want this repaid?)


Re: The biggest party in the history of Scottish Football.

Postby Guest » Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:35 pm

Good one Joe. You are right they just don't get it do they?

are all celtic supporters tax inspectors


Re: The biggest party in the history of Scottish Football.

Postby Guest » Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:11 pm

Correct, Rangers know we will be coming for a party, regardless of the result .The idea of 7/8k Celtic fans celebrating their demise is too much for them , it suits them to have no Celtic fans in the ground and they are using the ticket situation as an excuse .


Re: The biggest party in the history of Scottish Football.

Postby Guest » Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:24 am

Joe, I'm off to Morrisons this morning - I'm getting my Lime Jelly and ice cream in now before the rush wipes them out. I'm having the family round for jelly, ice cream and poker.

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