Was Brendan confident enough in his own ability to win 10 in a row?

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Joe O'Rourke
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Was Brendan confident enough in his own ability to win 10 in a row?

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Feb 27, 2019 11:59 am

Well it’s done now and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, except what we always do, move on, we have lost proper Celtic Legends in the past, Real Celtic Men, like Jock Stein, Big Billy McNeill, Davie Hay, and Tommy Burns. We go again, because we are Celtic Football Club, the Greatest Club in the World, with the Best Supporters in the World.

It came as a surprise that Brendan went at this time, and certainly to a middle of the league team like Leicester City, if that had been Martin O’Neill or Lenny, you might have said those two had at least some attachment to that club, I don’t know, maybe Brendan owns a load of properties in that area.

There has been a lot of anger from some Celtic Supporters, but I tend to think, he has given us more than he has taken away. He has got a new job, but he’s lost a Great Club, Brendan will never get to a club as rich in history as Glasgow Celtic, and to be fair, he added to that history, he had an opportunity to really reach proper greatness by achieving 10 in a row, was that what scared him?

Lenny started this run towards Ten by winning the first three, how ironic would it be if he was here to achieve the Magical Ten, I sincerely hope he is. Neil never had any doubts that he wanted to come back, even after being the most threatened and attacked Manager in World Football, that’s what Real Celtic Men do!!!

I’m not going to knock Brendan, since he came into Celtic it has been non-stop success, with seven trophies in a row, he is undefeated at the Dump that is Hampden Park, the day we completed the Invincible Season by beating Aberdeen in the Scottish Cup Final is right up there as one of the greatest episodes in our long unbroken history.

Is that what spooked Brendan? Did he have enough confidence in his own ability to achieve 10 in a row? If it is done, then the manager who does it will be up close to Big Jock, it will be a remarkable achievement, but from a cynical point of view, you wouldn’t want to be the manager who loses the title before 10 was achieved, is that why he jumped?

I met him on a few occasions and he always seemed extremely confident, but I guess no-one outside family and close friends really get that close to guys like Brendan. I have also had the honour of meeting Lenny on a few occasions, the last time only about a month ago. I genuinely hope Neil does the Treble and secures the job on a permanent basis. He is older and wiser now, and he gets what our Great Club is all about, I wouldn’t want any other manager giving the team talk for the next 14 matches.

We all have our part to play, as a great man once said, there is no part too small or too big, we must all be in it together, starting tonight at Tynecastle. What a reception awaits Lenny from the capital bigots!! But an even bigger reception awaits him from the Celtic Supporters.

So thanks Brendan for the 7 trophies, but that book has now closed. Welcome back to Neil, a man who risked his life for our Great Club. Let’s all go together, We are Glasgow Celtic Football Club. A Club Like No Other.

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