It's all an attempt to destablilise Celtic FC.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

It's all an attempt to destablilise Celtic FC.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:03 pm

Even in a weekend when Celtic as a club are not playing football, the Scottish Media can still find a way to be negative, and having said that, there wouldn’t have been many players from the first team squad who were not away on International duty, so it’s far from a free weekend for Celtic.

Obviously the first issue was with Griff pulling out of the squad, we had clowns like Gordon Dalziel and Barry Ferguson stating he should never be picked for Scotland again, one of these clowns couldn’t get a game at that level, and the other one got a life ban, which meant he cannot be picked again….. Oh wait a minute……. What did you call the other guy again?

They also made a big song and dance about Kieran going back to Celtic, as far as I’m led to believe that was always going to be the case as previously agreed by Celtic and Big Eck. And taking about “EBT Eck” his first actions were to minimise the impact and influence of the Celtic players, when everyone was saying build the International Team around the 6/7 players from Celtic, Eck goes the other way, he picked Andy Robertson over Kieran as captain, even though he had never captained Liverpool, and that wasn’t all.

Craig Gordon had established himself as the number 1 goalkeeper, but Mc Gregor goes back to play for Sevco and all of a sudden his Life ban strangely disappears, and he becomes the first choice goalkeeper. Eck tried the double bluff by bringing in Peter Grant and Mc Fadden as his assistants, he’s welcome to those two any time.

Enough about Scotland anyway, what we as Celtic Supporters need to do is to continue to follow Celtic in a positive manner. Everything being done is an attempt to destabilise the best run and most successful football club in Scotland, we Celtic supporters need to acknowledge that and react accordingly.

The media had everyone talking about the possibility of Brendan Rodgers taking over at Aston Villa, even after he stated that he was exstremely happy at Celtic, and wasn’t interested. The latest one is Newcastle, apparently Rafa Benitez could be under pressure, so the natural successor has to be Brendan, really?

Brendan may well leave Celtic in the future, he was offered big money to go to China, but the reality is this, Brendan and Celtic will decide when or if he leaves, not the hacks in the Sun or Record.

For now we are back playing aggressive football again, we have a few very important games coming up, we need to be united as one body in the best interest of Celtic Football Club. We have always been a “Stand Alone Club” and we have the best of everything at our club, that’s why we are the most successful club in Scotland, with a proud unbroken history. The sum of all the parts is much stronger than the individual parts.

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