Safety must come before Money.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Safety must come before Money.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:02 pm

There seems to be a bit of confusion about exactly when Celtic will play Linfield at Windsor Park Belfast, one thing is for sure it won’t be on July 12th. The latest development appears to be that Linfield offered to put the tie put back until July 13th. I believe there will be a meeting tomorrow with both teams and representatives of PSNI.

I would imagine if reports are correct and the PSNI object to the tie being played on July 11/12th in Belfast then it won’t go ahead. It would be crazy for UEFA to ignore a warning of unrest from the Police. If they state that they are not confident about being able to Police the match then it can’t go ahead.

I also believe there is a strong possibility that Celtic will refuse to accept tickets for the game at Windsor Park, while that would disappoint a lot of our supporters, it is completely understandable, we would be in a no win situation.

Let’s get it straight, the supporters of Linfield, or at least the majority of them detest everything about Celtic Football Club and what it stands for. There is absolutely nothing the two clubs have in common.

We would be sucked into a Bigotfest over there, no matter what anybody claims we would be goaded and there would be a reaction, I have plenty of family and friends there to know that to be the case, obviously the Police know that and that is one of the reasons for their objection to the match going ahead on those dates.

Linfield are putting money before safety, I think I can understand that in terms of the amount of money they could make from the match, but no amount of money is worth another Heysel Stadium disaster.

There has been suggestions that Celtic could receive over 6,000 tickets, which in itself would create a problem. For a start all the ferries going to Belfast that week are completely booked solid, all the flights going in will be the same, so unless all the 6,000 tickets were taken up by our supporters on the Island of Ireland, it is a waste of time offering the tickets.

I suppose Linfield could sell out the match to their own supporters, or maybe they could invite Theresa May Boris Johnson and the rest of the Tory Party over to join their partners in the DUP who I’m sure will be attending, although Arlene Foster is a season ticket holder at Sevco, and I’m sure most of her party are as well.

A decision will have to be made soon, even though it’s not certain that Linfield will get through their opening tie. This is when you need leadership, this is when UEFA have to stand up, supporter’s safety has to be put before money. Having said all that, UEFA have a history of wearing blinkers when it comes to the safety of supporters.

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