McCann and Boyd are sick knowing Brendan is Staying at Celtic.

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Joe O'Rourke
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McCann and Boyd are sick knowing Brendan is Staying at Celtic.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:46 am

What a fantastic way to clinch the League Title at Tynecastle yesterday, a brilliant display and result, winning 5-0, and achieved without a recognised striker on the pitch, not counting two disallowed goals that should have stood, just another day at the office for the Scottish Officials, are they just getting into sync for the semi-final?

And the anti-Celtic mob got another shock when Brendan said he was going nowhere. Mugs like Neil McCann, Gordon Waddell, and Kris Boyd would have been sick hearing Brendan say “There is not a place I could be in this world right now where I’d be happier in my football life and personal life” not exactly the words of a man in a hurry to leave as they’d all predicted, or was it more in hope and desperation?

Yesterday was a brilliant day all round, the only down side was the amount of Celtic Supporters who go every week who couldn’t get a ticket, let’s hope when Hearts complete their new stand they go back to giving us the whole of the Roseburn Stand, sharing a stand with Hearts obnoxious supporters is not a pleasant experience. Could you imagine the furore if Celtic Supporters had acted like the Hearts ones did with Mikael Lustig on the touchline? I wonder what Anne Budge has to say about that.

Apparently there was a problem before the game yesterday when the police and stewards tried to close the gates and deny entry to supporters with legitimate match tickets, it’s strange how Tynecastle is the only ground we have that problem at. I personally entered the ground at about 11.30 for exactly that reason, we had problems the last time we played there.

I have to ask the question as well, what were the police and stewards doing in the five or six security cordons we had to pass through to get to the turnstiles? You had to show your ticket, but at no time did anyone have a close look at the tickets, it could have been a hospital appointment card for all they would have known.

I would love to see us go through the season undefeated, but there is a bigger picture, qualifying for the group stages of the Champions League is more important than that. If the club is going to continue to improve we need Champions League Football, and the financial benefits that come with that. If we can manage to do both then that would be perfect.

I’m looking forward now to the rest of the season starting off on Wednesday night against Partick Thistle. Brendan has a bit of a dilemma, does he start to give some players a rest? Or does he go with his first choice team? I feel he will go somewhere in the middle, I certainly hope he does, I remember in past seasons losing games at home after we had already won the league.

So it’s congratulations to Brendan and his staff, and of course all the players for giving us a fantastic season so far, let’s hope we can complete the Treble. Also congratulations to Dermot and Peter for giving us a Manager fitting of this Great Football Club. Finally to the best supporters in the World, give yourselves a pat on the back for proving that once again.

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Re: McCann and Boyd are sick knowing Brendan is Staying at Celtic.

Postby franton » Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:45 pm

I love reading your views on the CSA Forum. I would like to talk about the following topic. I think you will get the picture, so to speak! It's about the history of the Club and where it is going, specifically from a fan's point of view and with special reference to the OBA and "Irishness" in particular. I am sitting in my seat in the South stand and I begin to sing along to the songs the Bhoys in the standing area are singing. You know, "Grace", "The Fields Of Athenry", "The Boys Of The Old Brigade" - basically "Irish Rebel Songs" you may wish to call them, but songs about the history of Ireland. They are songs which tell the story of the the Irish peoples' struggle to free Ireland from British rule. And basically the good people of the South stand around about me begin to cringe and some even change their seats around me.
Now the political settlement of the British / Irish relationship is that the Britain has said that they hold no "Selfish Interest" in the future political direction of the people of the island of Ireland. They are free to agree their common future as people of the island of Ireland. So with pride and dignity, the people of Ireland are free to decide their own political destination - as outlined in the Free State Treaty and the Good Friday Agreement. The Irish songs which are being sung are mostly all songs about actual historical events which happened in Ireland. Are we really supposed to feel guilty about being Irish or of Irish descent? There is a flag at the corner of the North Stand which celebrates the secession of the majority of Ireland from British Rule. We have already had the debate about flying that flag, the flag the Irish chose as their national flag and the flag still flies there. It reminds us of our Irish roots. It is about identity. It remind us of who we are as a people. So why should we be ashamed of who we are or where we come from? We shouldn't, that is, if we hold it all to be of value. If we don't, then why go to Celtic Park in the first place? It is after all first and foremost a place of celebration!
Of course there is the soon to be repealed, if we believe the news, Offensive Behaviours Act. That may make you think twice before singing a song which has for long been sung at Celtic Park, for very good reason, if you respect the Law. But there is a growing political consensus that the OBA was not good law, from the politicians themselves and they may wish to repeal it. What then? Who knows? But the law makers have got to respect the rights of people to support their football team in a sensible and responsible way. Personally I don't see any disorder at all at Celtic Park, most certainly not among the Celtic support, apart from the odd swear word and that was the worst I remember, when I visited the "Family Section", funnily enough!
So what of Mr. Fergus McCann assertion then, that he didn't favour "Irish" songs being sung at Parkhead? I think that this will be a topic for any future Fan's Forum and I would be happy to contribute. But I think of Fergus, certainly an important historical figure within the Club and a great Celtic Fan, that his forte was in the financial affairs side of the Club and not in the day to day running and business of the Club. Perhaps his statement on the singing of Irish songs or, if you like, specifically"Irish Rebel Songs", has been lent too much weight. Understandably there are those, not of the Celtic Family who could profit in one way and another from such a statement, by using it for their own selfish ends and agendas. Bur Irish history is never going to pass away. The people who kid themselves that it did not happen are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past and if that it their intention, then perhaps we might be willing to add an extra decade of the Holy Rosary on to our prayers in this Holy Season of Lent so that it might never happen. Buiochas le Dia.

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