Transfer Market, come out stronger.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Transfer Market, come out stronger.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Sep 02, 2016 1:46 pm

The way to look at the transfer market is to come out of it stronger than you went into it, I think Celtic has certainly succeeded in achieving that. Supporters will ask could we have done more. I’m sure everyone at the club would have wanted at least one more in, but we are where we are.

We have added a goalkeeper, a right back, a central defender, a striker, and in Scott Sinclair a first class player who can operate in a number of positions, we have lost Stefan Johansen, who was terrific in his first season, but dipped a bit last season, I have to say I was a fan of Stefan, and I thought his style would have suited Brendan.

In many ways the most important transfer window is the next one in January, and the summer one that follows. In January we will know where we are in terms of winning the League, if we need to add players then we can, the same goes for the Scottish Cup. Hopefully we already have the League Cup in the Trophy Room at Celtic Park. So our primary aim is to win the domestic treble.

We have to look forward now to the games coming up, especially in the Champions League, although no-one expects us to win it, we want to be competitive, and at least qualify for the Europa League Knock Out Stages. I believe with a bit more work we can give the other three teams a game.

Things aren’t going great down Govan Way, once again they are unhappy about the treatment of their supporters, I bet you the people of Manchester are glad it’s not them they are playing against, they are still trying to rebuild after their last visit in 2008.

Sevconians are great at one thing, shifting the blame for their actions onto someone else, every time they caused bother all over Europe, they blamed someone else. Even when their old club was liquidated, they blamed everyone else. The problem with that particular mind-set is, we all know where the blame lies.

They claimed that their players were assaulted by Hibs supporters at Hampden. I agree 100% that the Hibs supporters shouldn’t have went onto the park, but hey, they had waited a long time to celebrate. And if there is clear evidence of any Sevco player being assaulted, then it is a case for police Scotland, not the SFA, after all the SFA can hardly give some supporter a six month jail sentence.

Finally, I said in an earlier post that it was good to have weekend off for our players, shows what I know, we have around forty players away on International duty, most of our first pick first team players are away, let’s hope that they all come through unscathed, and that Griff and Kieran are fit to play next week

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