Re: For the Record. Boycott the Record.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

For the Record. Boycott the Record.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri May 06, 2016 12:49 pm

It’s really hard to believe that some Celtic supporters still buy the Daily Record. We have had a boycott of the rag since the “Thugs & Thieves” headline which eventually cost the editor his job.

Their latest attempt to bad mouth Celtic Football Club is absolutely scandalous; and deserving of legal ramifications.

To claim that the announcing of the Safe Standing area was an insult to the families of the Hillsborough victims is right down there with their lowest guttersnipe journalism.

We all should know the Records agenda; it is to destabilise Celtic Football Club; and to promote Sevco FC.

Keith Jackson still takes his orders from Jabba the Hutt; how I would love to bump into that clown some day!

There is an agenda there from the Scottish Media for all to see. The same people who were claiming Ronny Deila was a gentleman; were also questioning his ability as Celtic Manager and saying he should be sacked.

Every time we dropped points the headline was about Aberdeen going to win the title; strange how they never called for Derek McInnes to be sacked when his team blew their title chances.

The other guy on the other side of the city won the Manager of the Year. He won the second tier title; and the Petrol Tank Cup; and because of a dreadful display on the day by Celtic; he got to the final of the Scottish Cup.

Sevco have one more point than us with a game more played. They have lost more games than us even though they are playing in a lower division. But the press they get is astounding. Sally had three goes at winning a cup and failed each time. Were the media calling for his head? No chance; one of them as you would say.

So here I am saying it again. DO NOT BUY THE DAILY RECORD. All Celtic fans should boycott the rag.

I also hope that Celtic Football Club take the strongest possible action against this mob. I would ban every one of their representatives from all media opportunities at Celtic Park.


Re: For the Record. Boycott the Record.

Postby Guest » Mon May 09, 2016 3:29 pm

"Thankfully I live in Canada and don't have to buy that rag. I would caution everyone on "freedom of the press" We're not North Korea, so lets not be banning publications just because they write things about us we don't like. We're better than that. Let's continue to do our talking on the field. HH"

t’s really hard to believe that some Celtic supporters still buy the Daily Record. We have had a boycott of the rag since the “Thugs & Thieves” headline which eventually cost the editor his job.

Their latest attempt to bad mouth Celtic Football Club is absolutely scandalous; and deserving of legal ramifications.

To claim that the announcing of the Safe Standing area was an insult to the families of the Hillsborough victims is right down there with their lowest guttersnipe journalism.

We all should know the Records agenda; it is to destabilise Celtic Football Club; and to promote Sevco FC.

Keith Jackson still takes his orders from Jabba the Hutt; how I would love to bump into that clown some day!

There is an agenda there from the Scottish Media for all to see. The same people who were claiming Ronny Deila was a gentleman; were also questioning his ability as Celtic Manager and saying he should be sacked.

Every time we dropped points the headline was about Aberdeen going to win the title; strange how they never called for Derek McInnes to be sacked when his team blew their title chances.

The other guy on the other side of the city won the Manager of the Year. He won the second tier title; and the Petrol Tank Cup; and because of a dreadful display on the day by Celtic; he got to the final of the Scottish Cup.

Sevco have one more point than us with a game more played. They have lost more games than us even though they are playing in a lower division. But the press they get is astounding. Sally had three goes at winning a cup and failed each time. Were the media calling for his head? No chance; one of them as you would say.

So here I am saying it again. DO NOT BUY THE DAILY RECORD. All Celtic fans should boycott the rag.

I also hope that Celtic Football Club take the strongest possible action against this mob. I would ban every one of their representatives from all media opportunities at Celtic Park.

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