Thanks for the memories Lenny, You'll Never Walk Alone.

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Joe O'Rourke
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Thanks for the memories Lenny, You'll Never Walk Alone.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri May 23, 2014 12:06 pm

I had a good wee chat with Neil in the VIP room at Celtic Park on the night of the Celtic Rally on May 2nd, he seemed upbeat enough, although I noticed he was a bit isolated, he just sat by himself messing about on his phone; not bothering with any of the players or backroom staff.

I don’t know what has eventually made Lenny decide to further his managerial career away from Celtic Park, but I’m sorry to see him go, he is a young manager who will only get better with experience, and I believe he would have went on to win many more titles and cups.

I remember well his first game for us up at Dundee, he came out for the warm up, and looked a bit on the plump side with his cropped bleached hair, I wondered if he was fit enough to be playing; but within the first twenty minutes he made two lung bursting runs back into our defence to make goal saving tackles, he continued to do that for the rest of his career.

I could talk all day about the trophies Lenny won, but for me the stature of the man came to the fore when he was targeted by sectarian morons on more than one occasion, no other manager in world football had to endure what he did. I think of the quote from Terence MacSwiney the Lord Mayor of Cork who said “It is not those who can inflict the most, but those who can suffer the most who will conquer”, Neil Lennon certainly conquered.

Neil Lennon was targeted by sub-human people for no other reason than the fact he was a Roman Catholic from the northern part of the Island of Ireland who played for Celtic Football Club, Aiden McGeady and James McCarthy were treated with the same hatred but without the violence.

If the people in power in Scotland had the same guts as Neil Lennon maybe he would still be our Manager today. He was continually let down by people in authority, whether it was the SFA/SPL or the Judiciary, the only real support Lenny got was from Celtic Football Club and its supporters.

Neil has not only himself to think about in terms of safety, he has a partner and son to consider as well, how many football managers son had to get a bodyguard to go to school? And they say this is a modern multi-cultured society we live in, that depends on what foot you kick with, if you’ll excuse the pun.

I wish Neil well in whichever club he ends up at, he was born a Celtic Man, lives his life as a Celtic Man, and will die as a Celtic Man, he will always be known as Neil Lennon of Celtic, and will always be a Legend to the Celtic Family.

The next question is who do we get now to manage our great club? I believe there are a few capable candidates out there, some with great experience, and some with little. There has been a lot of talk of Henrik coming back, he would certainly be welcomed by the supporters especially the younger ones, but is the time right for him?

We are in a great place at the moment as a club. We have just won our third consecutive League Title, although we were disappointing in the cups and in Europe. We have a strong base of season ticket holders, and I was hoping that would increase this season with the continued reduction of the price, and the kid’s tickets.

We have just opened the new Celtic Way, and I like the rest of you am looking forward to our first big Champions League night, the place looks very impressive, and will add to our already fantastic European reputation.

I’m sure whoever is appointed will get the backing of our fantastic support, we need to make the right choice and for the right reasons. I know time is getting on towards the qualifying rounds, but it’s better to take the long road rather than the wrong road.

Once again best wishes Lenny, thanks for the memories; you leave with your head held high, Unbowed and Undefeated, You’ll Never Walk Alone.

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How much of this was about money?

Postby Kiwibhoy » Fri May 23, 2014 4:35 pm

Unfortunately, it appears that he was not going to be given the money to spend on players that he needed - especially if the Champions' League was in his sights:


Or put another way, Celtic is not quite immune from the financial woes of the Scottish game as a whole.

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Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:42 pm

Re: Thanks for the memories Lenny, You'll Never Walk Alone.

Postby Kiwibhoy » Sun May 25, 2014 2:10 pm

More along these lines:

Dermot understands the business environment in ways that many do not.

Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:42 pm

Re: Thanks for the memories Lenny, You'll Never Walk Alone.

Postby Kiwibhoy » Sun May 25, 2014 10:36 pm

And what an interesting time next year's Champions' League is going to be ...

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