"Clarification Needed on what's Illicit, and the Official Celtic Statement"

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Re: "Clarification Needed on what's Illicit, and the Official Celtic Statement"

Postby Stanshoops » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:03 am

Well said. No I don't agree with PL's handling of these and many other matters at Celtic and the sooner he goes and allows us to save that big fat salary he gets the better. I attended a "meet the fans" with PL and Lenny on stage and he bare faced lied to us when he told us that all the Aiden McGeady money would go to Lenny - it's just a job to him and he will say anything his boss wants.

DD he's just in this for whatever he can cream off us -never a Celtic man in a million years and needs to be shown the door pronto. Surely in these hard times a few redundancies at the top for a very poor performance is in order. We have downsized the team but not the board - strange that eh?


irish eyes
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Re: "Clarification Needed on what's Illicit, and the Official Celtic Statement"

Postby irish eyes » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:50 pm

[I:ab180abe]I hope Celtic have at least got clarification from UEFA exactly what the exact chants/songs were that resulted in this fine. Then they MUST inform the fans exactly what is NOT acceptable and we the fans should take notice of this. Our first priority when we attend matches is to support the team so let's get on with doing exactly that. I am really unhappy that my club has been fined for this, I thought we were better than that. [/I:ab180abe]

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