Honest Mistake .. or Blatant Cheating.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
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Honest Mistake .. or Blatant Cheating.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Oct 07, 2015 1:06 pm

It comes as no surprise to hear that Peter Houston has been done by the Compliance officer for daring to question the honesty and integrity of one of Scotland’s referees; maybe the bold Peter should have just accused the whole lot of them at the same time and got it over with in one go.

These officials get away with making wrong decisions every week without having to explain themselves. They also get away with making the decisions without fear of being demoted from the top tier of officials. The mere fact that someone thinks we have officials good enough to actually have a top tier is comical.

As i have said previously; these officials can’t be that incompetent naturally; i believe a lot of them have certain agendas; that is only possible explanation for the way they operate. I’ll give you one example.

This season at Pittodrie Leigh Griffiths was fouled inside the six yard box. The referee Craig Thomson gave a penalty kick and yellow carded the Aberdeen player. Leigh is on his favoured left foot and about to shoot; so why was it not a red card?

Same referee two seasons ago again at Pittodrie. Peter Pawlett is going through on goal about twenty or so yards out and is fouled by Virgil Van Dijk; referee awards a free kick and shows Big Virgil a red card.

Now Pawlett still has a bit to do to score; Fraser Forster is on long run of shut-outs and is on top of his game; Pawlett is at least twenty yards from the goal line. What is the difference in the two situations handled by the same referee? The difference is; one foul is committed by a Celtic player; and the other by an Aberdeen player.

Another thing i find strange is the position of our dug-out. It’s at the Celtic end at Celtic Park; which you would think was proper. The problem is the main stand side linesman patrols the other end of the pitch; which gives the opposing managers and coaches the opportunity to be in his ear the whole game.

According to reports the Sevco staff were all over the referee coming off the pitch at half-time on Saturday; (guess whish end of the pitch the Sevco dug-out is at) I’m willing to bet money they were in his ear the whole game. Maybe we should switch dug-outs next season; after all it’s our park and there doesn’t seem to be any rules regarding dug-out positioning. Having said that; i don’t think it would make any difference to the officials we have in Scotland.


Re: Honest Mistake .. or Blatant Cheating.

Postby Guest » Wed Oct 07, 2015 1:58 pm

what are you so concerned about? Players in Scotland are not clever enough or quick enough thinkers to bother you guys - believe me, the 'bigger teams' get the majority of 50/50 decisions


Re: Honest Mistake .. or Blatant Cheating.

Postby Guest » Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:46 pm

I think we must remove ourselves from the Celtic bubble to fully understand what is happening here. Our game is destroyed how Celtic have managed to remain in the top 50 clubs in Europe is quite frankly mind boggling and I am so proud that we have managed it, but the fact remains that practically every player who leaves Scotland turns right around and slanders our game. "It's slow paced." "it's not a technical league." If they can't think of anything else to say they and everyone else tells the world that it's boring and it's a one horse race. There are very few things about Scottish football that any non-supporter knows. As a result of this fact what little dregs of money used to be generated had gone from the game. The referees know this they know that to generate income they need to make things more interesting, so they are biased to the teams that stand a chance of challenging until Christmas and on the odd occasion they make a ridiculous decision that will drum up a bit of interest (normally a daft Decision for a 2nd or 3rd place team against Celtic will cover both). They know they won't have to explain themselves and that is how the FA want to keep things as it serves their porpoises. Does it lack honesty and integrity? You are bloody right it does, "but Celtic are going to win anyways and all we are doing is trying to make things more interesting for the good of the game." This is merely my opinion and not based on any factual evidence.


Re: Honest Mistake .. or Blatant Cheating.

Postby Guest » Wed Oct 07, 2015 6:50 pm

McLean and his cohorts refereeing of the cup semi final last year should have convinced anyone who was in doubt that an agenda is in play.
The officials even had the brass neck to give each other the brotherly handshake, caught on camera, prior to kick off.
Even on Saturday the referee was hopeless, and his bad decisions were not restricted however to one team.

Izzy brushed into their goalie late in the game, no whistle from the ref.

The Accies defender confronts Izzy inside the box then clearly, in full view of the ref, pushes him aggressively in the chest......penalty kick, aye right.

If you think things are bad now wait till some of the latest batch who are being fast tracked are let loose.

How Willie Colum, apologies Willie for picking you out, is still employed by the SFA is beyond me.

How can someone who has had so many decisions rescinded on appeal still get the big games?


Re: Honest Mistake .. or Blatant Cheating.

Postby Guest » Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:35 pm

What about Berwick ?Joe O'Rourke;3197]It comes as no surprise to hear that Peter Houston has been done by the Compliance officer for daring to question the honesty and integrity of one of Scotland’s referees; maybe the bold Peter should have just accused the whole lot of them at the same time and got it over with in one go.

These officials get away with making wrong decisions every week without having to explain themselves. They also get away with making the decisions without fear of being demoted from the top tier of officials. The mere fact that someone thinks we have officials good enough to actually have a top tier is comical.

As i have said previously; these officials can’t be that incompetent naturally; i believe a lot of them have certain agendas; that is only possible explanation for the way they operate. I’ll give you one example.

This season at Pittodrie Leigh Griffiths was fouled inside the six yard box. The referee Craig Thomson gave a penalty kick and yellow carded the Aberdeen player. Leigh is on his favoured left foot and about to shoot; so why was it not a red card?

Same referee two seasons ago again at Pittodrie. Peter Pawlett is going through on goal about twenty or so yards out and is fouled by Virgil Van Dijk; referee awards a free kick and shows Big Virgil a red card.

Now Pawlett still has a bit to do to score; Fraser Forster is on long run of shut-outs and is on top of his game; Pawlett is at least twenty yards from the goal line. What is the difference in the two situations handled by the same referee? The difference is; one foul is committed by a Celtic player; and the other by an Aberdeen player.

Another thing i find strange is the position of our dug-out. It’s at the Celtic end at Celtic Park; which you would think was proper. The problem is the main stand side linesman patrols the other end of the pitch; which gives the opposing managers and coaches the opportunity to be in his ear the whole game.

According to reports the Sevco staff were all over the referee coming off the pitch at half-time on Saturday; (guess whish end of the pitch the Sevco dug-out is at) I’m willing to bet money they were in his ear the whole game. Maybe we should switch dug-outs next season; after all it’s our park and there doesn’t seem to be any rules regarding dug-out positioning. Having said that; i don’t think it would make any difference to the officials we have in Scotland.


Re: Honest Mistake .. or Blatant Cheating.

Postby Guest » Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:58 am

Think Thompson is one of the better ones . I.m.o.

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Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:42 pm

Re: Honest Mistake .. or Blatant Cheating.

Postby Kiwibhoy » Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:35 am

Football needs a TV-ref (sometimes known as the TMO, 'third match official'), of the sort used in rugby for many years.

Another idea, would be to have referees brought in from England (and some of ours sent to England). Sell the idea as 'training' for refs.

Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:42 pm

Re: Honest Mistake .. or Blatant Cheating.

Postby Kiwibhoy » Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:41 pm

Some more here:

[SIZE=3:eb517550][COLOR=#000000:eb517550] [/COLOR:eb517550][/SIZE:eb517550][FONT="Arial"][URL="http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/13844950.Old_Firm_shame_game_was_toughest_outing_for_former_Scottish_referee_Calum_Murray/?ref=mr&lp=16"][COLOR=#0000ff:eb517550]http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/13844950.Old_Firm_shame_game_was_toughest_outing_for_former_Scottish_referee_Calum_Murray/?ref=mr&lp=16[/COLOR:eb517550][/URL:eb517550]
[SIZE=3:eb517550][COLOR=#000000:eb517550] [/COLOR:eb517550][/SIZE:eb517550]
Quote of the article:

[I:eb517550]In five Edinburgh derbies I refereed I had no red cards. In six Old Firm derbies I had nine red cards. That tells its own story.

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