Was Mark Hately the Daftie in Gazza's Gang?

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Was Mark Hately the Daftie in Gazza's Gang?

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:26 am

[COLOR=#000000:c61756bd]It used to be said that Gazza was the clown prince of Snake Mountain; not because he was particularly funny in a Kevin Bridges type way; but because he had the IQ of a rocking horse.[COLOR=#000000:c61756bd]But after reading that other serial balloon Mark Hately this morning; Gazza has a rival for his title; I suppose you could say Gazza was intellectually challenged; in Hately’s case; it’s more anti-Celtic.[COLOR=#000000:c61756bd]He accuses Neil Lennon and Peter Lawwell of being inflammatory in their comments; he also says there is no need for them to sink the boot in when Rangers are lying in the gutter bleeding; well at least he got lying in the gutter part right; that’s where they are; and where they belong.[COLOR=#000000:c61756bd]What is really laughable about his article is his comments about the Celtic support being CRASS for celebrating the death of Rangers with bowls of Jelly & ice cream; he reckons that shows that we hate Rangers more than we love our own club; I guess fivers and tenners doesn’t ring a bell with him.[COLOR=#000000:c61756bd]I have a simple solution for clowns like Hately; one way of helping his beloved Evil Empire would be for him and all the rest of the players and staff who were paid illegally; to pay back all the taxes they avoided paying during their spell at Snake Mountain.[COLOR=#000000:c61756bd]Let me send a message to Hately, the Celtic support will continue to party for a very long time; so much so that the global recession in Scotland will be a thing of the past with jelly & ice cream factories opening up all over Scotland to keep up with the demand; we might even form a “Jelly & Ice Cream” Political Party to take on King Alex in the next elections.[COLOR=#000000:c61756bd]I don’t need to speak for Neil Lennon and Peter Lawwell; I speak to both of them regularly and I’m sure they will be finding it hard to wipe the grin off their faces; Lenny didn’t take liberties during his playing days; so he wouldn’t want any medals for verbally destroying a half-wit like Hately; as for Peter; he probably has a cat or dog at home that has more brains than Hately.[COLOR=#000000:c61756bd]One final suggestion for Mr Hately; why don’t you concentrate all your pathetic efforts on trying to drag your own support out of the gutter that you mentioned; they reverted to type last week with a full rendition of their sectarian bile; and you can bet the EE’s tax bill money they will be even worse at Inverness this weekend; let’s hope the Northern Constabulary are as diligent as they were when we visited a couple of weeks ago.


Re: Was Mark Hately the Daftie in Gazza's Gang?

Postby Guest » Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:06 pm

It appears; you're not; very; bright.

; ; ; Hateley.


Re: Was Mark Hately the Daftie in Gazza's Gang?

Postby Guest » Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:09 pm

Why does CELTIC plc continue to let that peice of crap news paper and its empolyee`s anywhere near celtic park.as for that ghoat herder hateful hately i hope lenny go`s in to the panel room when espn show are next televised game by them.and puts that cretin in his place.P`S did the tax man pay for keith jacksons rafting trip with wally and sally last year or did his boss`es.set the record striaght keith!

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Re: Was Mark Hately the Daftie in Gazza's Gang?

Postby offshorebhoy » Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:58 pm

I read it on line today and nearly pissed myself laughing, thought it was a great piece to show us how much it is HURTING The manky mob. How exactly are we ment to act our horrible bitter twisted knuckle dragging goat abusing rivals are on the brink of going BUST and he wants us to ignore it. DON'T THINK SO marky boy we will rip your lot a new one on the 25th just make sure your at the party you can be my plus one HATEly ya mug. Hail hail and lots of jelly and ice cream.


Re: Was Mark Hately the Daftie in Gazza's Gang?

Postby Guest » Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:34 pm

I can't say I am not having the best laughs ever from all the current stuff surrounding the 'hunny bears' and their 'loyal' following including media, politicians and officials (the washing machine is nearly burnt out cleaning the trousers and pants I've soaked with p**s over the last month or so), but in all honesty, total idiots like Hately, who made a fortune from giving nothing on the football field and now makes it talking from the nether regions of his anatomy off it, are just not worthy of notice, comment or respect. I know it's great fun to respond to them, but even acknowledging these morons allows them to continue to earn under the falsest of pretences. Let them choke on the crap they swallow (often their own when they are up their own *rses. Thank God I'm not a vindictive man!



Re: Was Mark Hately the Daftie in Gazza's Gang?

Postby Guest » Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:45 pm

All those mentions of Mark Hateley and you didn't spell his name right once. You really are an illiterate half-wit.

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