Misleading Stats from the Government

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Joe O'Rourke
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Misleading Stats from the Government

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:05 pm

[COLOR=#000000:334c60e8]The report released today by the Scottish Government regarding “Religiously Aggravated Offending in Scotland 2010-11 make for interesting if not confusing reading.[/COLOR:334c60e8]

[COLOR=#000000:334c60e8]First of all almost 60% of the charges were committed by young people in the age group 16-30; and 60% of the cases took place in the Glasgow City area; and not surprisingly in [/COLOR:334c60e8][COLOR=#000000:334c60e8]67% of the cases alcohol or drugs was involved.[/COLOR:334c60e8]

[COLOR=#000000:334c60e8]The number of charges attributed to derogatory remarks against Roman Catholic’s made up 57.7% of the cases; while the same offence against Protestants made up 36.55 of the cases; which astonishingly are almost 95% of all cases; and considering Roman Catholics make up only 16% of the population; the number of attacks on them is worrying.[/COLOR:334c60e8]

[COLOR=#000000:334c60e8]When you look at the statistics around football and marches/parades; there are almost 8 times more offences at football matches than at marches/parades; and according to the report 52% of the offences took place at Celtic Park; and 27% at Ibrox.[/COLOR:334c60e8]

[COLOR=#000000:334c60e8]I have to ask the question; do these statistics point to a particular way of policing these incidents now? Apparently in the data destroyed by the Crown Office which covered the period up to 2010; the majority of sectarian offences were committed against Roman Catholics at Orange Parades; now they appear to show a lot more offences are happening at Celtic Park.[/COLOR:334c60e8]

[COLOR=#000000:334c60e8]Let me point out two recent cases. A sheriff declined to impose a custodial sentence on James Begbie a Hearts Supporter for singing “We’re up to our knees in F****n Blood” the reason for the leniency by Sheriff Craig Mc Sherry; the offence was committed at East End Park Dunfermline; so there were no Celtic Fans present to be offended.[/COLOR:334c60e8]

[COLOR=#000000:334c60e8]In the case of a young 17 year old Celtic supporter; who I won’t name here. He was accused of singing “ooh ah up the Ra” at the home match against Hibs on October 29th; he was not arrested at the match; by the Police crashed through his door early last Friday morning; he was held in custody before appearing before a Sheriff on Monday afternoon.[/COLOR:334c60e8]

[COLOR=#000000:334c60e8]After pleading “Not Guilty” the Sheriff was imposing Bail Conditions; one of which was he was to stay away from Celtic matches; this was agreed by the bhoys Lawyer; but the Prosecuting Fiscal opposed it; asking that the bhoy be remanded until DECEMBER 23rd.[/COLOR:334c60e8]

[COLOR=#000000:334c60e8]The bhoy was held in Polmont Young Offenders Institution until he was eventually released on Tuesday night; five days after being picked up.[/COLOR:334c60e8]

[COLOR=#000000:334c60e8]I ask you to make your own mind up about these two cases; and the statistics.[/COLOR:334c60e8]

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Misleading Stats from the Government

Postby JasCam » Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:06 pm

I know this is a boring answer Joe but it's truthful. There are Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics. I studied Statistics years ago at School and then Uni. The truth of the matter is . You give me a bunch of statistics and I'll make them prove any agenda that suits you.

That's what's going on here.

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Re: Misleading Stats from the Government

Postby Admin » Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:33 pm

Bhoys and Ghirls, this had to be re-posted since it contained the word "Fenian" and apparently this word is filtered out by Newsnow as being "offensive" so it was refused by the Newsnow Spider.

Apologies if you have already read it before.


Re: Misleading Stats from the Government

Postby Guest » Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:04 pm

we shouldnt even be talking about religeon on here, football is for football fans, no politics or religeon,,,

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Re: Misleading Stats from the Government

Postby celticfanzone » Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:53 pm

In the case of the Heartz supporter at Dunfermline does the Sheriff assume that there are no Catholics supporting the Pars? Or is it only Celtic supporting Catholics that offended by being called a 'fenian'?

John Andrews
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Re: Misleading Stats from the Government

Postby John Andrews » Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:46 pm

we shouldnt even be talking about religeon on here, football is for football fans, no politics or religeon,,,

Then why are they trying to bring in this bill ?

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Best Beauty Products

Postby adotheAmema » Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:52 am

irish eyes
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Re: Misleading Stats from the Government

Postby irish eyes » Thu Nov 24, 2011 2:57 pm

we shouldnt even be talking about religeon on here, football is for football fans, no politics or religeon,,,

Maybe we'd better beware that the spelling police don't complain about how you have tried to spell religion.

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brightening serum

Postby adotheAmema » Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:49 pm

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