"Could it still be Martin for the Celtic Job?"

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Joe O'Rourke
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"Could it still be Martin for the Celtic Job?"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon May 24, 2010 3:21 pm

[SIZE=3:f26b5842]The most serious question facing Celtic right now is who sells the season tickets to the undecided supporters who have not already committed for next season. I for one think that is what is holding up the announcement of the new manager; and it’s ludicrous to read of Celtic about to sign this one and that one when we don’t have a manager.[/SIZE:f26b5842]
[SIZE=3:f26b5842]With all due respect to Lenny, in my opinion, he alone wouldn’t be a big enough attraction to the undecided, I think he would have to be paired with someone of standing, or someone who has a magical aura about them; or preferably both; having said that if it’s Lenny myself and the Association will give him 100% support.[/SIZE:f26b5842]

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Re: "Could it still be Martin for the Celtic Job?"

Postby offshorebhoy » Mon May 24, 2010 4:20 pm

That would be a dream for me aswell joe but i feel thats all it will be just a dream mate, on the other hand joe i have already renewed which is always going to happen as long as i have the money but reports today about that craig brown getting a look in as some sort of general manager i hope are well wide of the mark i for one and i no many more would not be happy with this appointment hopefully its all paper talk but if not i would realy start to worry about the road the club would start to go down he is not the sort of guy we want anywhere near celtic park. hail hail KTF.

irish eyes
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Re: "Could it still be Martin for the Celtic Job?"

Postby irish eyes » Mon May 24, 2010 6:53 pm

Joe - I can understand what you are saying about the undecided. RE: Martin O'Neil I don't honestly see it happening - and as for his wife's health it hasn't hindered him doing his job at Villa so I don't see that as a problem. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I will renew no matter if it's Neil Lennon on his own or with another, my paperwork only arrived today.

offshorebhoy I doubt very much craig brown will be there (at least I hope not), the latest report seems to say it was agents asking him about it and not CELTIC.

I just want them to get on with it so that the manager can start making plans and getting the team ready for the new season.

Joe O'Rourke
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Re: "Could it still be Martin for the Celtic Job?"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon May 24, 2010 8:47 pm

Irish Eyes

My thoughts on martin were if he was re-locating to Scotland, it might suit him to be here 2/3 days a week and keep the family home in the Midlands.

As for agents, i dont have a lot of time for them; i just hope we dont use the latest one to gain publicity Sarah Fergson, Duchess of york; she's even getting agents a bad name.

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Re: "Could it still be Martin for the Celtic Job?"

Postby jbd » Mon May 24, 2010 10:42 pm

Wishfull thinking, Joe, but you never know.
I don't think there is any doubt that Lenny will get the job, but, like yourself I think he may need to be paired with someone of standing.
Is this maybe the reason for the delay in announcing NL? A double whammy? Something to give the fans reason to believe? Something to put bums on seats? We'll just have to wait and see.
BTW, I sent you a mail. Hope you got it.
Keep the Faith.

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Re: "Could it still be Martin for the Celtic Job?"

Postby max » Tue May 25, 2010 12:13 pm

A manager who's only at the club 2 or three days a week Joe???
So basically he would only be there for the actual games or one game and one days training if we had no mid-week game!!
I hope we'd be paying him 2 or 3 days wages!
If any manager can only commit himself to the massive job of managing Celtic for 2 or 3 days a week then he aint no Celtic manager.
Are we going back to the Lou Macarri years, when he basically never set foot in CP and phoned in his team sheets, before wee Fergus seen him for what he was and sent him packing?
The Celtic job's 24-7 and needs a guy who can give that and 110% commitement.

Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
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Re: "Could it still be Martin for the Celtic Job?"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Tue May 25, 2010 1:25 pm

What i am suggesting is the role of General Manager, who would be there more in an advisory capacity more than anything.

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Re: "Could it still be Martin for the Celtic Job?"

Postby max » Tue May 25, 2010 2:03 pm

Sorry Joe, but for a club of Celtics stature that would still be a full-time job and need someone who could commit to that 100%.
Technical director, director of football, general manager it's all semantics Joe.
Celtic were good to MO'N, but I'm not into the idea of 'jobs for the Bhoys', Martin had his go at CP, shot his bolt and when he knew the dough was done walked.
If we bring in some kind of support for Lennon to asssist with the more clerical side of things, contract negotiations, transfer negotiations..etc, we need someone with a 100% commitment and in my opinion that ,means time and effort.
MO'n showed his commitement to "the only club he ever wanted to manage" when he walked out on them.

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Re: "Could it still be Martin for the Celtic Job?"

Postby jbd » Wed May 26, 2010 7:37 pm

In case any of you missed out on this one, check it out.
Can be a little bit slow to load, but worth the wait.
(courtesy of a poster on CQN)


irish eyes
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Re: "Could it still be Martin for the Celtic Job?"

Postby irish eyes » Thu May 27, 2010 2:10 pm

jbd - i watched it and loved it. :clover:

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