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irish eyes
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Postby irish eyes » Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:56 pm

In a discussion with a friend today the question was asked if Celtic fans with accounts with HBOS (or indeed lloyds tsb group) were to remove their money to other banks would it have any impact? I personally feel that although each individual person would not have much of an impact the collective impact would be at least noticed. I for one remember how Celtic were almost out of business for a much smaller sum of debt. I personally have decided to remove my accounts from HBOS because I have no wish for my money to be used to prop up rankers fc. That of course is my own personal view and I obviously will leave other fans to make their own decision on this matter.

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Re: Banks

Postby max » Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:57 pm

Good shout Irish Eyes!

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Re: Banks

Postby clover4 » Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:09 am

Irish Eyes a token gesture on your part will make no difference when Lloyds have every intention to write off all their debt hence the (trivial) £30million selling price tag the debts owed are over £100 million .The bank are appointing ex MIH directors . THERE IS A MASSIVE COVER UP .The Government are complicit in this enter the soon to be unemployed Scottish Secretary of State Mr Murphy to help .For every tenner they spend timmy will pay £20 extra council tax.

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Re: Banks

Postby max » Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:06 pm

If everybody of a, lets say, 'Celtic nature', including those in business, small and large, were to change their accounts to another bank with a letter explaining why they choose to do so, ie. having their money being used to prop up a filthy racist, bigoted, sectarian organisation like the huns, I think it would have an effect.
We keep hearing from the laptop loyalists about the imaginary bad PR Loyds HBOS would get if they pulled the plug on the shame, so as far as I'm concerned that sword cuts both ways.
Although it may only be a bit of sabre rattling, we should be as vociferous in these matters as they are.
Celtic supporting HBOS account holders should let their feelings be known, if they are unhappy with the situation.

irish eyes
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Re: Banks

Postby irish eyes » Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:02 pm

I note on teletext today that some rankers supporters groups have issued a statement suggesting that if the lloyds banking group do anything to make the financial position of their club any worse then fans will withdraw their funds from said banking group.

What they fail to take into account is that the bank did not actually put them in this mess but their own club management who allowed the debt to get to where it is now (obviously the bank didn't limit it but the club should not have allowed things to get to this stage imho).

As far as my own funds go it is up to me to choose where I keep them and I for one am not leaving any funds with a bank that has allowed such a huge amount debt to build up when I believe celtic would have had the plug pulled for a fraction of that amount. So I have taken steps to remove my money and it will be completed next week once the transfers have been done. Funnily enough several of my friends have decided to do the same. So clover4 I know that perhaps my token gesture won't make a massive amount of difference but there's always that old saying about "doing nothing". So I have decided to act, it all mounts up and so what if it makes not much difference at least I'm satisfied I didn't just ignore it. Imagine if more like-minded people did the same. My money, my choice.

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Re: Banks

Postby max » Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:53 pm

Just read it in the Evening Times Irish.

An amalgimation of hun supporters assosiations, the rangers supporters assembly, rangers world wide alliance, rangers supporters trust and the rangers supporters association have openly threatened Loydsabout any action taken against their scumbag club.

"Loyds must understand that rangers fans will quickly withdraw business if there is any risk whatsoever of the clubs current situation being worsened by their actions"

No fecking about there eh?
(although I would say, a really stupid action from these cretins! Threatening LOYDS BANK, a bank that you owe a gezillion pounds to, with almost 'we dare you' undertones!!!!)

I'm sure Celtic supporting Loyds/HBOS customers carry at least as much clout as the huns, and we shouldn't threaten or make 'statements'. We should be doing it as individuals for our own moral and ethical reasons.

Joe O'Rourke
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Re: Banks

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:38 pm

To all you ghuys and ghirls who have money to withdraw from Loyds/HBOS no matter how little, remember the great Tesco saying EVERY LITTLE HELPS. Wait till the big picture emerges, what debt Murray International is in?? i suspect it will make the 30 million the team owes look like peanuts.

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Re: Banks

Postby clover4 » Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:50 am

Irish Eyes. My comment was not meant as an attack on you .I was merely saying they the Banks dont give a damm.YOUR MONEY you do as you see fit.

irish eyes
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Re: Banks

Postby irish eyes » Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:07 pm

I didn't take your comment as an attack on me clover4 - no problem, honest. Hail hail

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Re: Banks

Postby max » Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:18 pm

I think everyone's making valid points.

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