Motherwell FC a disgrace

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Joe O'Rourke
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Motherwell FC a disgrace

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:04 pm

It must be great to have such meagre expectations and ambitions, watching the Motherwell fans celebrate getting a point from the mighty Celtic FC, they are easy pleased. But the main point of it all has to be the state of what they call a football pitch, lets not use this as an excuse, we should still have won comfortably, but it wouldn't have been football.
the Spl have in the past put certain restictions on teams joining the league, they made ST Mirren put in under-soil heating which they were hardly likely to use, at great cost to them, they made Gretna play at the dump we were at yesterday, i suppose that didn't help, the rule was you had to have a 10,000 seater stadium to take part in the SPL.
But surely the basic rule should be to have a decent playing surface, one of their own players tells us he drives past public parks that are in better playing condition, but its nothing new, last year at about the same time they had a number of games postponed because of their pitch, they have done nothing to improve it, and are allowed to get away with it, Boyle charged us £25 to get into Fir Park, i'm sure there are local farmers who have better surfaces who would have let us in cheaper. I think we as Celtic supporters must think seriously about what we can do about being treated so shabbily, at almost every away ground we are treated as second class citizens, i think its time we started doing something about it

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Re: Motherwell FC a disgrace

Postby lostbhoy » Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:42 am

Hi joe, well said mate,there pitch was a disgrace.saything that though i still belive we will win the league . we must all keep the faith.:skywalker:

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Re: Motherwell FC a disgrace

Postby sincy » Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:28 pm

Hi all
Hi Joe does anyone know what portion of the tickets sales Celtic actually get ?, and if it is little in the big picture surely the call needs to go out to stay away from certain grounds if and until things improve with these clubs, the greatest power supporters have is money, how many out there would return to a resturant if treated this way, Have a good one.

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Re: Motherwell FC a disgrace

Postby gert/canada » Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:05 pm

Joe you should know more than most about the treatment of Celtic supporters all over Scotland . I can remember this happening to us in the late seventies early eighties as well . two quid to get into parkhead three an half for us to get into ipox ,the same at Dundee , kilmarnock even the morton used to stick it to us . But seriously a bouycot of fir park is required next season me thinks . all the best

paradise found
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Re: Motherwell FC a disgrace

Postby paradise found » Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:46 am

next time we are 2 visit the heap lets go for a total bhoy-cot. same should be said about the sheep shagggggers and killie.

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Re: Motherwell FC a disgrace

Postby Tosh7 » Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:47 pm

I managed to get rid of my ticket. I had forgotten that the huns had been charged less than us and thankfully had managed to get rid of the ticket but I was kicking myself for forgetting about it.

The pitch itself is a disgrace.
They cannot use the excuse of two games being played every week on it now as they did last season.
They should be fined and their groundsmen sacked.

Nothing will be done about it until some poor person recieves a very bad injury as a result of the poor surface. A shocking set of circumstances for an SPHell club! :bad:

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