Don't Tell Keevins ........ But Guess Who Hold Several British CL Records ......

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Don't Tell Keevins ........ But Guess Who Hold Several British CL Records ......

Postby jimbob » Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:33 pm

[SIZE=3:a14a9de5][B:a14a9de5]During our midweek Champions League encounter with Villarreal, some commentators, Hugh Keevins in particular, went to great lengths to point out that, should we lose, we would have set a new Scottish record for the lowest points total in the Champions League groups. Oddly, no-one mentioned the name of the team which has the lower score at the moment, but as there has only been one other Scottish side to make the groups, we know who it is.

More importantly, they failed to point out a couple of other statistics too. Rangers actually hold the present [I:a14a9de5]British [/I:a14a9de5]record for the lowest points tally, which is three points from six games. And they did it not once, but twice.

In fact, whilst our record is bandied about in the press so much that any fool can recite the stats, the Rangers record is rarely, if ever, given the kind of scrutiny it deserves. There is a reason for that. A very good reason. Whilst Celtic have never claimed to have the Best Of record in any department, nor do we have the worst. The media might talk until they are blue in the face about how bad we are away from home, but there are things they will not mention.

Rangers are the record-breakers. By miles.

They hold the record for the worst goal difference of a British team in the Champions League groups. Twice. On two occasions they posted final tallies of minus eight.

They hold the British records for the heaviest defeats in the group stages; Juventus beat them 4-0 and they lost 4-1 to both the Turin club (in the same season) and Ajax in the following year. Needless to say, their 8-1 pummelling over two games by Juventus in 1995 – 96 is easily the worst head-to-head score for any British side in the history of the tournament. They hold the worst record of defeats in a group campaign, when in season 1996 – 97, in a group that included the football giants Grasshoppers Zurich (who beat them three-nil in the opening game) they lost five out of their six games.

In 48 group stage matches, Rangers have won precisely 11. Celtic, in contrast, have won 13 out of 36 games. And whilst our record of away matches, and our defeats (three losses every year that we have been in the tournament) isn’t pleasant viewing, consider this: Celtic have, on three occasions, won three Champions League group matches, in six seasons in the tournament. In eight Champions League group seasons, Rangers have [I:a14a9de5]never [/I:a14a9de5]managed to win more than two. In three of their seasons they managed only a single win …… and they hold one more British record the press never mentions. They are the only British team to play an entire Champions League group campaign (1995 – 96) without winning a game[I:a14a9de5].[/I:a14a9de5]

The press seems to enjoy throwing around statistics, certainly when it comes to Celtic. It was their scrutiny of our record, their pitiless and never-ending review of our away performances, which made me take a look at the record of our rivals. So we have Keevins, Broadfoot and the rest to thank for bringing these to light, although they could have done it by writing about it themselves.

I am not sure whether Hugh Keevins and his cronies in the press were aware of these facts, perhaps they were too lazy to do basic research, but thankfully all are readily available in case they want to study up in the future, in the interest of offering a balanced perspective. Until then, I offer them here.

They make interesting reading, don’t you think?

Funny the Scottish press doesn’t think so …………[/B:a14a9de5][/SIZE:a14a9de5]

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Re: Don't Tell Keevins ........ But Guess Who Hold Several British CL Records ......

Postby jmbigjim » Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:28 am

Well Said Jimbob, The Scottish Media Group Are Dell Boy Murray's Puppets On A String! & They Should Be Boycotted & Treated With Contempt:glasses-cool:
Hopefully Soon, Loyds TSB & Broke HSBC, Will Have To Call In Their Outstanding
Loans, & Dodgy DelBoy Murray, Will Be Brought To Task, Over His 750M Outstanding
Loans, & The SMG Muppets Will Be Gutted:clap:

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