stay away fans

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Re: stay away fans

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:46 pm

I think we have given this particular thread a good airing lads, i think you might need to agree to disagree. My main worry for next week is which Celtic to support. We have arranged a meaningless friendly against a team who nobody has any feeling for, managed by an ex Rangers manager. the same night the Celtic youths take on the MM at Hampden in the final of the Youth Cup. I think i will find myself at Hampden; it will probably be the first time in Celtic's history that the youth team will play on the same night to a bigger crowd than the first team.

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Re: stay away fans

Postby kevza » Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:55 am

This reminds me of an old joke.
A guy gets a ticket for a Celtic-hun league decider at CP, a game you couldn't get a ticket for, for love nor money.
Capacity crowd!
There's an old Bhoy sitting in front of him in the main stand, but the seat beside him lies empty.
The guy thinks, well somebody's late or something, but 10 mins into the game the seat remains vacant.
Eventually he gets talking to the old Bhoy and mentions the empty seat.
The old Bhoy says, "well actually me and my wife have sat in these seats for 40yrs, we never missed a home game, but sadly my wife passed away".
The guy says, "surely you could have given the ticket to someone else, a family member or a friend".
The old Bhoy answers, "well yeah I tried, but they've all went to the funeral!!".:embarrassed:

I'll get my coat!!!


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