"Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

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Re: "Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

Postby GWG » Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:42 pm

It's one matter being insulted, it's another to pay for the priviledge!

"Thugs And Thieves"

Their head of sport fat boy traynor telling us the famine song is just a bit of banter, and if we didn't like it we "should pack our bags and go"!
(have you heard the FULL lyrics to the famine song Barney?)

One of their main columnists openly abusing a Catholic Priest using the 'F' word before publicly branding him a peadophile for no other reason than he was a Catholic priest, and still keeps his job at the paper!

The list is endless and I'm not even getting into the stories they choose to ignore coming from the scummery and their scumbag players and support!

Banjo boy waddle is far from an isolated incident, not only Celtic supporters, but all Catholics should refrain from paying money to pay these guys wages, either by buying their rag or visiting their website which advertisers sponsor on how many hits their site gets.

all the more reason to meet them head on and expose them for what they are..... and you now have the means to do that through your forum making sure your voice IS heard by total rebuffs and condemnations of their agendas. As I already said "They" despise the internet because it gives your the right of reply something that has been denied for decades...... USE IT!!

Joe O'Rourke
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Re: "Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:28 pm

Your spot on with that, we didn't have access in the past except by hard mail which most people couldn't be bothered with. We also have a much more educated support now, people who can challenge the media intelligently.

irish eyes
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Re: "Another Sectarian Racist Attack by Gordon Waddell"

Postby irish eyes » Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:59 pm

The very last thing we should do is ignore it and do nothing. We have to stand up and be counted and let them see we will not become an easy target. This kind of thing has gone on for too long and imho it is getting worse of late and is heading back to days of old. We have to voice our concerns at the very least.

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