Champions Again Ole Ole. Tynecastle is a disaster of a stadium.

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Joe O'Rourke
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Champions Again Ole Ole. Tynecastle is a disaster of a stadium.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon May 08, 2023 12:48 pm

Champions again Ole Ole.
Great victory at Tynecastle yesterday afternoon, thoroughly deserved second League Title in a row for the Real King of Scotland, Big Ange Postecoglou. It was a measured display from the team, Hearts never had a shot on target, despite Steven Naismith thinking they were hard done by, by the match official. Just exactly what part of clear goal scoring opportunity does he not understand? He was lucky he never got red carded for an off the ball foul on Jota.

It was a brilliant afternoon, but it didn’t start all that well. Getting entry into Tynecastle was a nightmare, and once again Police Scotland didn’t have a clue on how to handle big crowds. The Celtic Support arrived early as suggested. The problem was caused by the decision to check tickets at the turnstiles, I believe quite a few arrived without tickets, and that caused a holdup. This could have been avoided by having a ticket check at the junction of Russell Road and McLeod Street, thereby solving the problem of ticketless supporters getting right up to the entry point. And I maintain that problem was caused by the scheduling of this match as a title winning chance for Celtic. All done to pander to armchair supporters, and fill the pockets of the broadcasters.

Even getting to the turnstiles didn’t stop the mayhem, well for me anyway. My ticket wouldn’t scan and was declined, it was issued though Celtic so I knew it’s legitimate. I was fortunate that John Paul Taylor was standing outside and said he’d sort. So we go to the big gate to get in, but the steward on duty wasn’t happy, I said it was declined, he said “you couldn’t have moved quickly enough”, I said, “I’m 72 years old, and I’m wearing jeans and boots, not a tracksuit and trainers” the whole atmosphere at that dump is toxic, their so-called supporters and horrible, and have a real hatred for everything Celtic, which made the victory all the more sweeter.

So it’s onto that other horrible stadium next week, when we go to “Snake Mountain” and without any of our supporters, but we go as Champions, and I’m sure Ange will have the players up for it, and go all out for the victory. I was tempted to say send the under eighteens team to play them, but I’m certain Ange and the players will want to go there and win, and with a fair shout from the match officials, I’m sure we will win. Having just said that, the mere fact that they have not conceded a penalty in the league this season would send alarm bells ringing through any normal football federation, but not in Scotland, just look at the way the kick 0ff time for the Scottish Cup Final was decided, I’ll be contact Maxwell of the SFA about that situation tomorrow, I’m sure he’ll still be celebrating the coronation of his King today.

And as for the Scottish Cup Final, if I could get Cameron Carter-Vickers into a strip and pair of boots I’d have him on the bench for the final, and put him on in the last minute, even just to stand on the half way line, that Big Bhoy deserves his Cup Medal, he’s been a Colossus for us this year. He has rightly been voted the Celtic Supporters Association Player of the Year for this season. His presentation will be at the Annual Celtic Rally on May26th in the Kerrydale Suite at Celtic Park.
Glasgow is definitely still Green & White ….. We Never Stop.

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