Cesar stands Tall in Bellshill.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Cesar stands Tall in Bellshill.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:26 pm

I had the great honour and pleasure of attending the unveiling of the statue in Bellshill to commemorate Celtic Football Club’s greatest ever captain, Billy (Cesar) McNeill. I would to thank Eddie Lynas, and his very hard working committee, for their dedication and commitment over the last three years, to complete the project by sculptor John McKenna, that lets us all share in the Fantastic image of Big Billy leading out the Celtic Team onto the field in Lisbon, to create History, a History that can never be repeated.

As I expected there was a magnificent turn out at the unveiling, the Celtic Family never lets us down on occasions like this. I’m sure it was a great comfort to Liz and all the Family, and to the Commemoration Committee, to see so many people turn out on a miserable day, but as I expected, the rain seemed to hold off for the ceremony, I think Big Billy’s only superior took a game on that front.

Everything you can say about Big Billy has already been said, and been said by people much smarter than me. The man was just a Colossus, the Giant’s Giant, where he went, others followed. He was a fantastic example and inspiration to all the players who followed him at Celtic, and continues to be to this day, I’m pretty sure Callum McGregor knows all about how to be Captain of Celtic, and I’m pretty sure that will be in no short way down to Cesar.

We have been very fortunate in the Captain Department in my time following Celtic, big Billy took over the role from a player I remember well, Duncan MacKay, who sadly passed away three years ago. Between Dunky and the present day captain Callum McGregor, there has been some great Captains, like Danny McGrain, Big Roy Aitken, Paul McStay, Tom Boyd, and of course Scott Brown, I’m sure Big Billy had a massive influence on their own time as Captain, and I certainly saw that influence when I saw them play and captain Celtic Football Club.

Finally I have to mention the great turnout of ex-players, some of Billy’s team mates, and the rest he managed. In no particular order. Mark Reid, Frank McAvennie, John Fallon, Graeme Sinclair, Jim Craig, John Clark, George McCluskey, Tommy Callaghan, Paddy Bonner, and Tom Boyd. There was also a warm welcome extended to two of Cesar’s former opponents, ex Rangers players John Greig and Willie Henderson. Celtic Football Club were also represented by Board Members, Chairman Ian Bankier, CEO Michael Nicholson, and CFO Chris McKay.
Requiescat in aetrnum pace Billy … They Never Die Who Live In The Hearts They Leave Behind.

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