More Dodgy Refereeing. Great Tribute to John the "Scarf" Lennon.

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Joe O'Rourke
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More Dodgy Refereeing. Great Tribute to John the "Scarf" Lennon.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Oct 03, 2022 12:49 pm

It was a bit of a struggle on Saturday versus Motherwell, not helped by the usual suspects, the match officials. I’m not 100% sure about the red card for Callum, Welshy was certainly behind Callum, but to the side of him, but one thing is certain Beaton nearly broke his wrist trying to get the red card out as soon as possible, he obviously has a different set of rules than Don Robertson, who declined to send of Sands of Sevco for a similar offence a couple of weeks ago, in fact he didn’t even judge it to be a second yellow card, which would of course resulted in a red card.

I’m not totally convinced that VAR will be a great benefit to any team other than the team who benefits every week by the decisions of “Corrupt Officials” unless we have imported officials overseeing VAR. if it is controlled by retired Scottish Referees, we will still get the same results as we do now. It might have made a difference if we were to show the video on big screens, but as far as I’m aware that won’t be the case, the majority of stadiums don’t have big screens, and unless someone else pays for it, they won’t be introducing them any time soon.

It really is time for a root and branch review of the refereeing department in Scotland. There are things that happen in Scotland that doesn’t happen in any other country in UEFA, and that allows people like Beaton, McLean and company to cheat the vast majority of teams in Scotland on a weekly basis. Could you imagine if Sergio Ramos had a brother who was a referee in La Liga, officiating in a Real Madrid versus Atletico Madrid match? Or if Carles Puyol had a brother who was a referee, would he be allowed to officiate in a Barcelona versus Real Madrid match? The obvious answer is a resounding NO !!!!

But here in our wee country Steven McLean, whose brother played for the old Rangers is allowed to officiate in important matches involving the new Rangers, and especially in matches involving the team he hates most, Celtic. Can we ever forget him costing Celtic a place in the Scottish Cup Final, by denying Celtic a stonewall penalty against Inverness Caley in the semi-final, thus also denying Ronny Deila the chance of winning a treble. These people are allowed to “CHEAT” every time the referee a match, we at Celtic should be demanding better standards, and demanding that those who continue to “CHEAT” get removed.

I would like to congratulate Celtic Football Club for the tribute to “John the “Scarf” Lennon before kick off on Saturday. John who recently passed away in his adopted city of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, he was a Rock amongst the Celtic Family in North America, and anyone who has ever attended the North American Federation’s Convention would know John. There was a fantastic turn out for the Requiem Mass and internment, great credit to all who attended. Although John’s wife Matti had already passed away, and he had no children, he still had many close friends in Toronto, none more so than the Ronnie & Anne McGarry and Family, condolences to them, and to all the Celtic Family.
Requiescat in aeternum pace John the Scarf.

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