Letter to Neil Doncaster re Cinch Deal

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Joe O'Rourke
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Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Letter to Neil Doncaster re Cinch Deal

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Tue Aug 23, 2022 12:03 pm

i have written this morning to Neil Doncaster for some clarification on how the Cinch Deal works for all the teams in the SPFL, obviously excluding Rangers from that, simply because they seem to have a deal all of the own, and would appear to act with impunity. incidentally, i believe Mr Doncaster is a decent guy trying to do his best for Scottish Football, unfortunately for him, he's seen by the tribute act as an enemy of Rangers.

Dear Neil,
I would be grateful if you could clarify for myself and my members just how Rangers refusal to take part in promoting the Cinch Logo affects the other clubs within the SPFL.

I believe Rangers claimed to have an existing contract with the company owned by their chairman Douglas Park, which allowed them not to promote Cinch. My question would be, was the existence of this contract confirmed through normal procedures and within a normal timescale?

A more worrying aspect of Rangers stance, it seems to have an effect on the teams that they play against. For instance, in their opening match of this season, the after match interview too place on the pitch, with no advertising backdrop. On Saturday at Easter Road, the after match interview took place in front of a backdrop which didn’t contain the Cinch Logo.

So my question’s to you would be, are Rangers refusing to do interviews in any location that would be promoting the Cinch Logo? Did Rangers receive the full financial sponsorship money for last season, even though they never played any part whatsoever in promoting the Cinch deal? And finally, are other teams being bullied and intimidated by Rangers, because of their opposition to the deal?

Kind regards,
Joe O’Rourke,
General Secretary,
Celtic Supporters Association

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