An opportunity to redress a wrong decision.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

An opportunity to redress a wrong decision.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:25 pm

When the new football season starts it’s obviously going to be behind closed doors, and who knows for how long !! It could be a complex issue, and maybe one which needs to be looked at differently from the last couple of seasons, well, at least with reference to the Glasgow Derby.

We all know about the unilateral decision taken by Dodgy Dave King and Sevco which reduced the visiting Celtic Supporters ticket allocation to Snake Mountain to about 750. That decision was rightly reciprocated by Celtic in the next match. We also all know the reason for the change was that they couldn’t handle watching over 8,000 Celtic Supporters dancing around at full time after another victory for the Mighty Glasgow Celtic.

Neil Lennon’s comments with regards to the first Glasgow Derby being pushed back to allow for the attendance of supporters makes good sense, and not only for the viewers on television, but also for the supporters themselves, and for the integrity of the fixtures. How could we have the first Derby match at Celtic Park behind closed doors, and then possibly have the return fixture with possibly a full house across the city? That shouldn’t happen.

If we go ahead as normal with the first match behind closed doors at Celtic Park, then if by the time the return fixture comes around supporters are back in to watch, then surely the attendance should be split 50/50, in the interest of fairness that’s what should happen, and that should be the case with all teams and fixtures in the SPL.

But let’s take a long term look at the fixture. Is it not time for all interested parties to get around the table to discuss a return to the Status Quo in terms of ticket allocation? Dodgy Dave has gone, is Donald Dodgy as well? Does he take his instructions from Club 2012? Or does he have the best interest of football fairness in his thoughts? We will know soon enough.

I don’t have any confidence in Sevco doing the right thing, and I don’t have any confidence in the Media calling for fairness either. There is only one thing on their minds “Operation Stop the 10”, by any means, “Fair or Foul”. Sevco have not changed one iota, they are still going around brining in players they cannot afford, and they are doing it with impunity. Financial Fair Play is not a part of Scottish Professional Football.

There will not be too many football supporters throughout Scotland wishing Celtic well in our quest for “10 in a Row” this is 100% down to us. There has never been a time in the past when we have needed our own Supporters more than now. These are unprecedented times, no-one has ever experienced times like these before, and hopefully never will again.

“10 in a Row” isn’t the end, who knows how far we can go? I’m not one for looking too far ahead, but I know what my goal would be, but I’ll keep that to myself for now.
Take care everyone, and stay safe.

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