The Club needs our backing now more than ever.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

The Club needs our backing now more than ever.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:19 pm

Once again the tail is wagging the dog inside Scottish Professional Football. An EGM has been granted to the newest club in the SPFL, with the backing of Hearts and Stranraer. It’s my belief that they won’t get the necessary numbers to force through the call for a further investigation. I think one thing is certain following the statement from the Board of the SPFL this morning, a certain Mr Stewart Robertson is finished in his position. It would seem that while others were working for the benefit of all the Scottish Clubs, Robertson was sneaking behind their backs.

I’ll reiterate once again, everyone at Celtic FC wants the season completed on the field of play, there is no agenda other than wanting to win our ninth title in a row, and have an opportunity to win the Scottish Cup for the fourth season in a row, thereby completing a record Quadruple Treble. There are consequences for not completing the season, and those consequences face every club in Scotland.

I bought me season ticket to go and watch Celtic Football Club, in every game they play, when it’s reasonably practicable. If because of the COVID 19 Virus the season cannot be completed, then legally I, and the rest of the Celtic season ticket holders would be entitled to a refund for the four home matches we would miss out on. I want to stress right away, this is my personal view. I will not be seeking, or accepting a refund. Celtic Football is my Team, and they need the supporters to back them financially where possible.

I know a lot of people will be struggling financially in this current situation, that’s why I stated it was a personal view, some people may need that refund, then in that case that’s exactly what they should get. We then need to think about next season, if there is a next season that is. Celtic as a club employing quite a few people, both on the pitch and off it, have a serious outlay every week in wages. The money we have in the bank won’t last forever, it’s like every walk of life, if you’re not putting money in the bank, then you must be taking it out.

I renewed my season ticket yesterday, and I stress, that didn’t cause me personally any hardship, I could afford it, lots of people can’t afford to do that, and for those that can’t I think we should be deferring payments until the situation gets back to some kind of normality. I suppose what I’m trying to say is this. We have had a financial advantage over the rest of Scottish Football for many years now, mainly due to our great support, and also because the club is in good hands and is run in a proper business manner. I want to maintain that advantage, we have 54,000 season ticket holders this season, how many can we reasonably expect for next season in these uncertain times?

There is now talk of closed door games. I think that could work to conclude this season, but could it work to start a season? That would mean watching games on Celtic TV for instance, would supporters pay season ticket money to watch the game on television? Again I’m speaking for myself, I will do what I can to maintain our position at the top of Scottish Football.

I don’t know if it’s possible, but it would be good to get the thoughts of the club on the future. It would also be good to get a consensus of opinion from the supporters on what we can do to maintain our position at the top. We now might have to wait until May 12th to move forward, and that’s simply because two clubs don’t want relegated, and the newest club in Scotland don’t want to see the most successful club in Scotland get even more successful.

Stay safe everyone. We will be back.

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