It's time for Sevco to put up or shut up !!

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Joe O'Rourke
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It's time for Sevco to put up or shut up !!

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Apr 27, 2020 12:49 pm

Another day another statement from the guardians of Sporting integrity, you couldn’t make it up. I think it’s time to put up or shut up, if Sevco have evidence of wrongdoing, then they need to go public with it now, instead of grandstanding through their friends in the Scottish Media.

I will reiterate the position of Celtic Football Club and our Supporters. We all want to see the season completed on the field of play, which has been made clear right from the very start. I can certainly understand teams needing financial help through this horrible time, and I can understand teams who could be relegated fighting to avoid that, but nonetheless still needing financial help. But these are unprecedented times, and no-one knows how, or even if this is ever going to end. The clever money says things might never be the same again.

But the team who are complaining the most is Sevco, and make no mistake, they probably need more financial help than any other team because of their overheads. But everyone knows why they are opposed to almost every scenario except to Null & Void the season. And why is that? Simple, a second Nine in a Row for Celtic FC, and an opportunity to go for Ten in a Row next season, if there is a next season.

Sevco appear to grasping at any lifeline dangling in front of them, it’s actually quite embarrassing, and bordering on desperation. They say they have evidence of wrongdoing, then let’s see it. What form of wrongdoing has taken place? There are seven members of the SPFL Board, and one of them is the CEO of Sevco, so is he a part of the wrongdoing? I think it’s more likely he’s the whistle-blower. Does that mean he has taken part in decision making for the benefit of the whole of professional football in Scotland, then went back to Snake Mountain and started the campaign against Neil Doncaster and Roddy McKenzie, and then added SPFL Chairman Murdoch MacLennan?

Sevco also claim they have evidence of Bullying and Intimidation of some clubs, it begs the question. Why aren’t the clubs who felt intimidated and bullied doing the complaining? Why are Sevco doing all the talking? We also know why Anne Budge is backing Sevco, any help she can get to make sure Hearts avoid relegation she will grab at. It makes you wonder as well why the vast majority of clubs voted for the proposal, if they were being bullied and intimidated.

I think the way forward for Celtic FC is to oppose any proposal that excludes completing the season. Peter Lawwell (I bet they all wish they had Peter Lawwell running their club, except you know who) should demand this season is completed before any consideration is given to next season, and if that means no European Football for Scottish Clubs then so be it.

And finally. If Sevco drag this campaign on for an investigation to investigate the other investigation, then there should be consequences. If they fail to come up with credible evidence of deliberate wrongdoing, then they themselves should indeed be punished. I think the majority of Clubs and Supporters in Scotland are sick listening to their continued whinging.
Stay safe everyone.

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