We can look forward to 2 hours of Racist/Sectarian Bile.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

We can look forward to 2 hours of Racist/Sectarian Bile.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Nov 04, 2019 1:16 pm

Much as I thoroughly enjoyed our victory over Hibs on Saturday evening at the dump that is Hampden park, I was disappointed with the result from yesterday’s other semi-final. Let me state right away it has absolutely nothing to do with football as to why I was disappointed, I think if we bring our “A” Game to any match we are more than capable of winning.

We had something like 36,000 supporters at Hampden, more than half will not get a ticket for the final, that is shocking, Hampden is not fit for purpose, it has never been fit for purpose since the decision was taken to rebuild the stadium as all seated with a capacity of only 50,000, Celtic have more season ticket holders than the whole of Hampden holds. Fergus McCann strongly opposed the project, but as usual was not supported.

The Celtic supporters suffer greatly in other aspects of Hampden, for instance you can’t use the train to go there, especially if we are playing against Sevco, albeit this is their first ever final against Celtic, and only their second in the short existence. The last couple of years going to Hampden as a Celtic supporter has been a nightmare no matter what mode of transport you use, and we should know, this will be our 14th appearance in a row, as we go for our 10th Trophy in a row.

But for me the biggest disappointment will be that it will not be what it should be, and that is “An Enjoyable Experience”. Because of who we are playing some supporters won’t go at all. Others won’t take their kids, even if they can get a ticket. And why is that? Because everyone knows we will be treated to about 2 hours of Sectarian and Racist bile from their so-call football supporters. This is not a UEFA competition, so it will business as usual for their mob, they don’t know any other way.

This is a competition ran by the SPFL, they have been complicit along with the SFA to turning a blind eye to all the goings-on over in Govan, and I don’t see that changing. Operation stop the ten is in full flow, they are desperate for Sevco to win their first ever major trophy, and they will do all in their power to try to succeed. It will be very interesting to see who get the job of refereeing the final, one thing is sure, it won’t be anyone with a liking for Celtic Football Club. But there is a bit to go yet, and as I said, if we play to our capabilities, and they don’t get too many penalties, we will win.

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