Another letter to the SFA. Sack Fleming and appoint Whyte.

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Joe O'Rourke
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Another letter to the SFA. Sack Fleming and appoint Whyte.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed May 15, 2019 1:32 pm

Dear Mr Maxwell,
I think we have now passed the point of being in crisis when it comes to match officials and their performances in Scottish Professional Football, it would be hard for anyone to comment complimentarily towards our match officials, they have to be the most incompetent bunch of officials in World Football.
Maybe there is a solution not too far from your desk Mr Maxwell, maybe you should sack the equally incompetent Head of Referees John Fleming, and appoint the Compliance Officer Clare Whyte to the post, because it would appear that she gets more decisions correct than the match officials do.
The latest addition to the retrospective punishment policy is Jon Flanagan of Rangers, he has been cited for clearly elbowing Celtic Captain Scott Brown in the face during Sunday’s Glasgow Derby. It begs the question, it appeared that referee Kevin Clancy was in perfect position to deal with the matter, as was his assistant Douglas Ross, so why did they think it was a yellow card offence?
This is not an unusual situation for us Celtic Supporters, this has happened quite a few times this season. Let’s look at the list of players cited after a match against Celtic. We have, Scott McKenna, Steven McLean, Dolly Menga, Darnell Johnson, Ryan Kent, and now Flanagan, and you could add Morelos and McGregor to the list as well. That is a shocking amount of incidents that have taken place, and either missed by the officials, or worse still ignored by them.
After the Glasgow Derby match at Celtic Park on March 31st both teams were charged with failing to control their player’s and each were fined £7,500. I thought that the Celtic Players, and in particular Scott brown showed remarkable restraint when under almost constant attack throughout the match.
During the match Kent of Rangers clearly punched Scott Brown in the face, this happened around the centre circle, but no official saw the punch, are we to believe that? At the end of the game when the Celtic Players were celebrating another victory, Rangers Player Andy Halliday came for at least 50 yards away to attack Scott Brown, Brown showed great restraint while under attack from a number of Rangers players and staff, so what did the SFA do? You bring in a trumped up charge of “Not acting in the best interest of association football” needless to say Celtic’s Lawyer drove a horse and cart through that charge and Scott was found not guilty.
I think the only way forward for Scottish Professional Football is to have a root and branch overhaul of the whole operation. Proper independent professional people should be brought in to conduct that review, not friends of friends, or retired officials who were part of the problem in the past. That is the only way forward, and that is the only way you have any chance of restoring any credibility with the general support of most of the teams in Scotland.
Joe O’Rourke,
General Secretary,
Celtic Supporters Association.

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