We are the Benchmark !!!

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
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We are the Benchmark !!!

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:56 pm

Yesterday at Perth was like watching the Celtic team of two years ago, everyone on the front foot with aggressive pressing of St Johnstone which was forcing mistakes, and what a performance from James Forrest, absolutely unplayable, he has set himself a high standard to try to get to again, with the right attitude there is no reason why he can’t, he has the speed and ability.

Everyone connected to Celtic had a very enjoyable Sunday afternoon yesterday, the supporters went home happy, and the Manager, his staff, and the players were rightly praised for their efforts. It just goes to prove that if we all pull in the same direction with the proper attitude we can get back to dominating in Scotland once again.

Let’s get rid of the negative stuff, the Scottish Media do enough of trying to demoralise Celtic without our own people lending them a hand. We saw enough with the shambles of the league Cup semi-final, the three other teams taking part were lobbying very strongly for a situation that suited their needs, the needs of Celtic were never a consideration.

Everybody and their cousin has an opinion on what’s happening behind the scene at Celtic, from Craig Levein to the Sevco Cheerleader who cannot get a game for Kilmarnock, the team who allegedly pay his wages. It begs the question, how can a player registered to play for Kilmarnock, continue to level criticism at Celtic in the media, while talking only about Sevco in his newspaper column? Not a word about Kilmarnock.

The season ahead will be determined by what we do, not what others do. We have the best of everything at Celtic. We have the best Board of Directors, the Best Manager, the Best Playing Squad, the best Stadium, and undoubtedly the Best Supporters. We all know we could have done better in the transfer window, but there is probably a more important one still to come in January.

Once again I say this. Stick together in a united front, and we will continue to be the most successful team in the History of Scottish Football. We are the Benchmark, I haven’t seen anybody capable of reaching that benchmark.

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