King and Logan at it again.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

King and Logan at it again.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Jul 09, 2018 12:23 pm

There are quite a few things wrong with Scottish Football, but I guess you could say that about every country that has football as its main national sport. The problem with Scottish football is the people who are in charge don’t exert their authority in the correct way, if you are command, then do just exactly that “Command”

The reason for saying this today is quite simple, a couple of well know agitators have been at it again in the media, namely Dodgy Dave King and Always Offended Logan, both have the same agenda, to attack Celtic at every opportunity with negative stories fed through the Govan facing Scottish sports writers.

King is at again with his demand for the resignation of SPFL Chairman Murdoch MacLennan, and why does he want the bold Murdoch out? He has a business association with Dermot Desmond. So no-one is allowed to hold a position in Scottish Football unless they are a Masonic Season Ticket holder at Sevco.

Everyone with half a brain knows that King should never have been allowed anywhere near a football club in Scotland, even one that was only a few years in existence. The man was called a “Glib & Shameless Liar” by a South African High Court Judge. King is the same today, his life is just one lie after another, how he remembers which one he’s trying to get out of I’ll never know.

King has again tested himself against a person who is a genuinely very rich man. I don’t see it as a very smart move to take on Big Mike Ashley, but that came about because of another lie about him buying out of his deal with Sports Direct, I think there is only one winner in that battle.

The other annoying guy who found himself in the media once again having a go at Celtic Football Club and our Supporters was Shay Logan. Shay Logan is a jumped up nobody in Scottish Football, he’s s second rate footballer plying his trade at a second rate football club, that must be the only reason why any sports writer would want to talk to him.

This clown, ably abetted by the Scottish Football Authorities hounded Aleksandar Tonev out of Celtic Football club by making an accusation of Racism against without any proof whatsoever, the biggest shame was that the panel found Alek guilty even though there was absolutely no evidence against him. He was found guilty on the “Balance of Probabilities” I believe that’s the only time that has happened.

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